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Chevrier, N., 2016, "Nasales et rhotiques finales en bribri : un phénomène d'hypervoisement", Réseau Français de Phonologie (RFP), Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, June 30th - July 2nd |
Chevrier, N., 2016, "Nasals in Bribri: Harmony and Hypervoicing", Séminaire de laboratoire, DDL (Lyon), may 27th |
Chevrier, N., 2016, "Prefijos de persona y formación de grupos consonánticos en posición inicial absoluta: cómo se comporta el bribri de Coroma frente a la complejidad?", Estudios de Lingüística Chibcha, 35, pp. 95-154 (download here)
Chevrier, N., 2015, "Bribri /tk/ is not a multiply-articulated consonant but a sequence: The synchronic diversity of Bribri clusters and its diachronic explanation (Chibchan, Costa Rica)", Nijmegen Grammar Group, MPI for Psycholinguistics (Nijmegen, the Netherlands), November 12th |
Chevrier, N., 2015, "Los grupos consonánticos complejos en posición inicial absoluta en bribri (chibcha, Costa Rica): marcas de persona y fenómenos fonotácticos.", CILLA VII, University of Texas at Austin, 29-31 oct 2015 |
Chevrier, N., 2015, "Nasality in Bribri", ConSOLE XXIII, Paris, January 7th-9th |
Chevrier, N., 2015, "Ongoing language change in Bribri (Chibchan, Costa Rica): the emergence of phonemic nasal consonants", Friday Afternoon Lecture, LUCL (Leiden University, NL), April 10th 2015 |
Chevrier, N., 2015, "The intriguing Bribri 'phoneme /tk/': New elements", RFP, Bordeaux, June 29th-July1st |
Chevrier, N., 2014, "Complex consonant clusters in Noun-Possessive Phrases in Bribri (Chibchan, Costa Rica)", Seminar, Autralian National University (Canberra, Australia), August 1. |
Chevrier, N., 2012, "Étude phonologique de langues en danger : locuteurs et données", École européenne d’été - Biennale d’Histoire des Théories Linguistiques, "Expérience, empiricité, expérimentation en linguistique : histoire et épistémologie" (HTL, Paris Diderot, Paris 3), Agay, 3-7 septembre |
Chevrier, N., 2012, "Evolución fonológica del rama, lengua chibcha de Nicaragua en peligro ", Letras, 51, pp. 11-32 (download here)
Chevrier, N., 2012, "Evolución fonológica del rama, lengua chibcha de Nicaragua en peligro ", Primer Simposio Internacional PROLINCA "Centroamérica: un microcosmos lingüístico", Universidad Nacional (Heredia, Costa Rica), 7-8 mai |
Chevrier, N., Pivot, B., 2011, "Changements phonologiques vs. obsolescence linguistique : quel impact sur la revitalisation du rama, langue chibcha du Nicaragua ?", "Disparitions et changements linguistiques", Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, 17-18 juin |
Chevrier, N., 2011, "Évolution phonologique d'une langue en danger : le cas du rama du Nicaragua", Mémoire de Master 2, Direction Sophie Manus, Sciences du Langage, Université Lyon 2. |
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Chousou-Polydouri, N., Birchall, J., Meira, S., 2017, "A character-based internal classification of the Cariban language family.", The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, Annual meeting, Austin, January 5-8 |
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Chousou-Polydouri, N., Birchall, J., Meira, S., O’Hagan, Z., Michael, L., 2016, "A test of coding procedures for lexical data with Tupí-Guaraní and Chapacuran languages", proc. of Capturing Phylogenetic Algorithms for Linguistics, Leiden, 26-30 October 2015, Bentz, C., Jäger, G., Yanovich, I. (eds), University of Tübingen, online publication system, Proceedings of the Leiden Workshop on Capturing Phylogenetic Algorithms for Linguistics (abstract) (pdf)
Chousou-Polydouri, N., Gasparini, N., Michael, L., O'Hagan, Z., Rose, F., 2016, "Reconstructing Negation Morphemes and Constructions in the Tupí-Guaraní Family", Amazonicas VI, Leticia, Colombie, 24/04/2016 |
Chousou-Polydouri, N., Birchall, J., Meira, S., O’Hagan, Z., 2015, " A test of coding procedures with Tupi-Guaranian and Chapacuran languages.", Capturing Phylogenetic Algorithms for Linguistics Workshop, Leiden, October 26-30 |
Chousou-Polydouri, N., Michael, L., O'Hagan, Z., Gasparini, N., Rose, F., 2015, "Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphosyntactic Data. A case study of Negation in Tupí-Guaraní", Societas Linguistica Europeae, Leiden, 8 October 2015 (HAL)
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Coupé, C., 2019, "Social and environmental constraints on sound inventories", Seminar of the Department of Linguistics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 26/02/2019 |
Coupé, C., 2018, "A la recherche des premiers Indo-Européens", Conférence du Rotary Club de Tarare, Restaurant Jean Brouilly, Tarare, 06/02/2018 |
Coupé, C., 2018, "Les langues sont-elles adaptées à l’environnement naturel de leurs locuteurs ?", proc. of 6ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, Mons, Belgique, July 9-13, 2018 (eds) (abstract) |
Coupé, C., 2018, "L'hypothèse d'adaptation acoustique : des systèmes de communication animaux aux langues du monde", Colloque 2018 de la Société Française pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal (SFECA 2018), Rennes, France, 19-21 Juin |
Coupé, C., 2018, "Modeling Linguistic Variables With Regression Models: Addressing Non-Gaussian Distributions, Non-independent Observations and Non-linear Predictors With Random Effects and Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape", Frontiers in Psychology, 9:513 (article)
Coupé, C., 2018, "The explicitation interview as a tool promoting reflective practice in health education and practice", Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education 2018 - Learning in Alliance: Inter-professional Health Education and Practice, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, December 18 |
Coupé, C., 2018, "Toward a unified view on language evolution and linguistic change", Physics of Life Reviews, 26-27, pp. 173-175 |
Coupé, C., 2017, "Ecological constraints on linguistic diversity", SLE 2017, University of Zurich, September 10-13 |
Coupé, C., 2017, "Intervention sur le thème de la communication animale", Festival « PopSciences », Parc Blandan, Lyon, 17/06/2017 |
Coupé, C., 2017, "Les mots, le monde, et nous", Festival Linguafest de Tours, Tours, 24/11/2018 |
Coupé, C., 2017, "Participation au programme de radio de « La Méthode Scientifique» pour une émission sur le thème de l’origine du langage, Maison de la Radio, Paris, 16 mars 2017.", France (eds), France Culture, 1h |
Coupé, C., Ollagnier-Beldame, M., Cazemajou, A., 2017, "Phénoménologie de la rencontre : Etude des formes de discours intérieur lors d’une première rencontre soignant-soigné", Journée d’étude sur le langage intérieur
, Université de Tours, March 22 |
Coupé, C., Marsico, E., Pellegrino, F., 2017, "To what Extent are Phonological Inventories Complex Systems?", in Complexity in Language. Developmental and Evolutionary Perspectives, Mufwene, S., Coupé, C., Pellegrino, F. (eds), Cambridge University Press, pp. 135-164 (draft)
Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., Le Néchet, F., Mathian, H., Sanders, L., 2017, "Transition 1 : Modéliser les migrations et la colonisation de nouveaux territoires par les Homo sapiens", in Peupler la terre : De la préhistoire à l’ère des métropoles, Sanders, L. (eds), Tours, Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais, pp. 113-142 |
Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., Le Néchet, F., Mathian, H., Sanders, L., 2017, "Transition 2 : Modélisation de l'expansion des populations Bantu dans un espace déjà habité par des populations de chasseurs-collecteurs", in Peupler la Terre : De la préhistoire à l'ère des métropoles/1, Sanders, L. (eds), Tours, Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, pp. 143-172 |
Coupé, C., 2016, "Commentary: Defining and assessing constraints on linguistic forms", Journal of Language Evolution, 1:1, pp. 52-55 (paper)
Coupé, C., 2016, "Enregistrement d’une ressource pédagogique numérique sur les origines du langage, Projet Université Ouverte des Humanités de l’Université Lille 3, Lille, 22 avril 2016." (eds), 5min |
Coupé, C., Oh, Y.M., Marsico, E., Pellegrino, P., 2016, "Functional Load and organization scales in phonological systems", LabEx EFL 1st Structural Complexity in Natural Language(s) (SCNL) International Workshop , Paris, 30-31 May 2016 |
Coupé, C., 2016, "Intervention sur le thème des origines du langage et de la cognition humaine ", Soirée de clôture « Le langage : des origines à Twitter » du cycle « Et si on en parlait » (Université de Lyon / Labex ASLAN), Université de Lyon, 30/11/2016 |
Coupé, C., Ollagnier-Beldame, M., Cazemajou, A., 2016, "Meeting you, meeting me: Phenomenological construction of intersubjectivity in the case of first-time encounters", 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, July 24-29 |
Coupé, C., Maddieson, I., 2016, "Quelle adaptation acoustique pour les langues du monde ?", actes de 13e Congrès Français d'Acoustique joint avec le colloque VIbrations, SHocks and Noise, Le Mans (France), April 11-15 (eds) (paper)
Coupé, C., Marsico, E., Oh, Y., Pellegrino, F., 2015, "Cross-linguistic investigations of the organizational scales in phonological systems", 11th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT 2015), Albuquerque (New Mexico), August 1-3 |
Coupé, C., 2015, "Emission sur le thème de l’origine des langues, Programme de radio « La suite de l’Histoire », Lyon, 25 juin 2015." (eds), Radios chrétiennes francophones (RCF), 1h |
Coupé, C., 2015, "Le climat et son impact sur l’évolution des langues du monde", Conférence Evolyon, Musée des Confluences de Lyon, November 25 |
Coupé, C., 2015, "Testing the Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis with GIS and spatial regression models", Causality in the Language Sciences Conference, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, April 13-15 |
Coupé, C., Oh, Y., Pellegrino, F., Marsico, E., 2014, "Cross-linguistic Investigations of Oral and Silent Reading", proc. of Interspeech 2014, Singapore, September 14-18 (eds), pp. 514-518 (poster) (paper, poster)
Coupé, C., 2014, "De la communication animale à la communication humaine. Réflexions sur les origines du langage.", Rencontres du Cercle Averroès, Plateau d'Hauteville-Brénod, 6 juin 2014 |
Coupé, C., 2014, "Formation à R", Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, 19 mars 2014 |
Coupé, C., 2014, "Les langues subiront-elles le changement climatique ? ", Nuit des Chercheurs 2014, Planétarium de Vaux-en-Velin, 28/09/2014 |
Coupé, C., Marsico, E., 2014, "Les mathématiques et la linguistique. Comment étudier les mathématiques « de tous les jours » dans différentes langues du monde ?", 3e Forum des Mathématiques en Pays d'Aix, Aix en Provence, 10 janvier 2014 |
Coupé, C., 2014, "Pourquoi ne parlons-nous pas tous la même langue ? Les causes de la diversité linguistique
", Semaine du Cerveau 2014, Bibliothèque de la Part-Dieu, Lyon, 11 mars 2014 |
Coupé, C., 2014, "Understanding early human migrations: From archaeological data to statistical and multi-agent modelling", Séminaire Transmondyn, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman, USA, November 14 |
Coupé, C., 2013, "Aux origines du langage", Nankai University, Tianjin, Chine, 26 mars 2013 |
Coupé, C., 2013, "Formation Excel", Ecole d’été sur les savoirs ethnobiologiques , Libreville et Parc de La Lopé, Gabon, 22 juillet - 3 août 2013 |
Coupé, C., 2013, "Introduction à la cartographie numérique", Ecole d’été sur les savoirs ethnobiologiques , Libreville et Parc de La Lopé, Gabon, 22 juillet - 3 août 2013 |
Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., Marsico, E., Pellegrino, F., 2013, "Investigations into Determinants of the Diversity of the World’s Languages. ", in East Flows the Great River: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. William S-Y. Wang on his 80th Birthday, Shi, F., Peng, G. (eds), Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 75-108 (paper)
Coupé, C., 2013, "Pourquoi ne parlons-nous pas tous la même langue ? Les causes de la diversité linguistique
", Fête de la Science, Privas, 13 octobre 2013 |
Coupé, C., 2013, "Quelques approches de la complexité en linguistique. Théories, mesures et modèles.
", Séminaire du laboratoire Inserm "Imagerie et Cerveau", Université François Rabelais (Tours), 24 janvier 2013 |
Coupé, C., Shuai, S., Gong, T., 2013, "Review of the 9th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang9)", Biolinguistics, 7, pp. 112-131 (paper)
Coupé, C., Marsico, E., Pellegrino, F., 2012, "An evolutionary model of phonological inventories based on synchronic data.", 2nd Workshop on Sound Change, Kloster Seeon (Germany), 2-4 may (poster) (abstract, poster)
Coupé, C., 2012, "Ecological constraints on language diversity and evolution", 4th Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics (CIEL), Beijing, 9-11 November 2012 (slides, abstract)
Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Impact of climatic and ecological contexts on sociolinguistic factors among Bantu populations.", The impact of a major environmental crisis on species, populations and communities: the fragmentation of African forests at the end of the Holocene., Académie des Sciences, Paris, 1-2 March (poster) (poster, abstract)
Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Impact of climatic and ecological contexts on sociolinguistic factors among Bantu populations.",., Académie des Sciences, Paris, 1-2 March (poster)", The impact of a major environmental crisis on species, populations and communities: the fragmentation of African forests at the end of the Holocene, Paris, Académie des Sciences, March 1-2 (poster) |
Coupé, C., 2012, "Les langues aujourd'hui et demain", Workshop “L’Homme demain”, Toulouse, 21-22 juin (abstract, slides)
Coupé, C., 2012, "Les origines du langage et le développement de la pensée symbolique", Conférence Apéro Ens, ENS de Lyon, 25 septembre 2012 |
Coupé, C., 2012, "Origine et évolution des langues : écologie naturelle et sociale", Workshop “L’Homme demain”, Toulouse, June 21-22 |
Coupé, C., 2012, "Participation à l'émission "La Fabrique de l'Histoire"", Paris (eds), France Culture, 45min (podcast)
Coupé, C., 2012, "Semiotic investigations into early forms of symbolism and language", proc. of 9th Evolang Conference, Kyoto, March 13-16, Scott-Philips, T., Tamariz, M., Cartmill, E., Hurford, J. (eds), World Scientific, pp. 80-87 (poster) (paper, poster)
Coupé, C., 2011, "BALI: A software tool to build experimental material in psycholinguistics ", proc. of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP) Conference 2011, Paris, France, Sept. 1-3 (eds) (abstract) (poster) (poster, abstract)
Coupé, C., 2011, "Biologie et culture, langage et cognition : comment percevons-nous le monde ?", Université Ouverte Lyon 1, Lyon, 16 février 2011 |
Coupé, C., Marsico, E., Pellegrino, F., 2011, "Complexity of phonological systems: Synchronic analyses & evolutionary models", Workshop on Language & Complexity, Lyon, France, May 23-24 (abstract, slides)
Coupé, C., 2011, "Formation "Basic Computer Skills"", Centre Christophe Mérieux, Phnom Penh, Cambodge, 25 - 29 juillet 2011 |
Coupé, C., 2011, "Formation "Communication skills"", Centre Christophe Mérieux, Phnom Penh, Cambodge, 18-22 juillet 2011 |
Coupé, C., 2011, "Formation "General Knowledge"", Centre Christophe Mérieux, Phnom Penh, Cambodge, 20-27 juillet 2011 |
Coupé, C., 2011, "Formation à Excel", Institut des Sciences de l Homme, Lyon, 4 mai, 1er juin, 3 juin, 9 juin et 10 juin 2011 |
Coupé, C., Marsico, E., Philippson, G., 2011, "How economical are phonological inventories?", proc. of 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. , Hong Kong, China, August 17-21 (eds) (poster) (paper, poster)
Coupé, C., 2011, "Intervention sur la radio japonaise J-Wave", Japon (eds), J-Wave, 5 minutes |
Coupé, C., 2010, "Evolution du Langage", in Biologie évolutive (Chapitre 17 : Biologie évolutive humaine), Thomas, F., Lefèvre, T., Raymond, M. (eds), Bruxelles, De Boeck, pp. 672-673 (chapter - final draft)
Coupé, C., 2010, "Formation "Introduction to Economy"", Centre Christophe Mérieux, Phnom Penh, Cambodge, juin 2010 |
Coupé, C., 2010, "Formation "Origins of Man"", Centre Christophe Mérieux, Phnom Penh, Cambodge, juin 2010 |
Coupé, C., 2010, "Investigating the Origins of Language", The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 20 septembre 2010 |
Coupé, C., 2010, "Les origines du langage et le développement de la pensée symbolique", France (eds), ENS LYON/DGESCO, 70mn |
Coupé, C., Marsico, E., Pellegrino, F., 2010, "Les systèmes sonores des langues comme systèmes complexes", in Qu'appelle-t-on aujourd'hui les sciences de la complexité ? Langages, réseaux, marchés, territoires, Weisbuch, G., Zwirn, H. (eds), Paris, Vuibert, pp. 37-65 (Paper)
Coupé, C., 2009, "Archéologie cognitive : De la matière à l’esprit", in Darwin en tête : l'évolution et les sciences cognitives, Van der Henst, J.B., Mercier, H. (eds), Grenoble, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, pp. 159-192 (chapter - final draft)
Coupé, C., Marsico, E., Pellegrino, F., 2009, "Structural complexity of phonological systems", in Approaches to phonological complexity, Pellegrino, F., Marsico, E., Chitoran, I., Coupé, C. (eds), Phonology & Phonetics Series vol. 16, Berlin, New York, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 141-169 (chapter)
Coupé, C., 2008, "L’Homme moderne, sa naissance et son regard sur le monde
", Conférence à l'Université Catholique de Lyon, Université Catholique de Lyon, 15 décembre 2008 |
Coupé, C., 2007, "Origins of language: neurobiological evolution, socio-cultural development and their interactions", Japanese-French Frontiers of Science (JFFoS) Symposium, Kanagawa, Japan, 27-29/01/2007 (abstract, slides)
Coupé, C., 2007, "Social structures and their influence on language change", Erice Summer School "Statistical Physics of Social Dynamics: Opinions, Semiotic Dynamics, and Language”
, Erice, Italy, 15-20 July 2007 (slides)
Coupé, C., 2007, "Toward a database of classification systems. Semantic description and analyses", Practical Applications in Language & Computers (PALC'07), Lodz, Poland, April 19-22 (abstract, slides)
Coupé, C., 2006, "Carrying meaning on representational media. The place of language.", “Cradle of Language” Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Nov. 7-10 (slides, abstract)
Coupé, C., Marsico, E., 2006, "Des langues, un langage", Conférence Université Ouverte, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard, Lyon, 30 janvier 2006 |
Coupé, C., 2006, "Distributed Cognition & The Emergence of Language: Language as a Representational Medium", proc. of 2nd Conference on Language, Culture and Mind, ENST, Paris, July 17-20 (eds), pp. 37-38 (abstract) (slides, abstract)
Coupé, C., 2006, "Formation à l'algorithmique", Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, 7 et 28 avril 2006 |
Coupé, C., 2006, "Histoires d'origines", Conférence grand public, Centre de Valpré, Ecully, France, 25 Août 2006 (Texte)
Coupé, C., 2006, "Introduction à Latex", Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, 23 novembre 2006 |
Coupé, C., 2006, "Je parle, donc Je suis ? Origines du langage et Naissance de l’Homme moderne", Conférence grand public, MJC d Annecy, 14 Mars 2006 |
Coupé, C., 2006, "Revue de l'ouvrage "Anquetil Duperron, Premier orientaliste français"", 343, Pour la Science (eds), pp. 103 |
Coupé, C., 2005, "A la recherche des indices du langage articulé", in Aux origines des langues et du langage, Hombert, J.M. (eds), Paris, Fayard, pp. 64-73 (chapter)
Coupé, C., Marsico, E., Pellegrino, F., 2005, "Complex patterns in phonological systems", proc. of Approaches to complexity in language, Helsinki, Finlande, 24-26 Août (eds), pp. 1 (abstract) (abstract, slides)
Coupé, C., Marsico, E., Pellegrino, F., 2005, "Complexity of phonological inventories: features and structures", Workshop Phonological systems and complex adaptive systems, Lyon, France, 4-6 juillet (slides)
Coupé, C., Marsico, E., 2005, "Des langues, un langage", Université Ouverte, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard, Université Ouverte, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard, 28 Février 2005 (pdf)
Coupé, C., 2005, "Influence of ecology on linguistic systems", Eco-cultural Niche Modeling Symposium, Les Eyzies (France), 24-27 Septembre 2005 (slides)
Coupé, C., 2005, "Je parle, donc je suis ? Origines du langage et naissance de l'homme moderne", Conférence grand public, Institut Français de Marrakech, Maroc, 26 Novembre 2005 |
Coupé, C., 2005, "L’origine du langage, thème récurrent dans la pensée des hommes", in Aux origines des langues et du langage, Hombert, J.M. (eds), Paris, Fayard, pp. 40-41 (chapter)
Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., 2005, "Les premières traversées maritimes : Une fenêtre sur les cultures et les langues de la préhistoire
", in Aux origines des langues et du langage, Hombert, J.M. (eds), Paris, Fayard, pp. 118-161 (chapter)
Coupé, C., 2005, "L'impossible quête de la langue mère", in Aux origines des langues et du langage, Hombert, J.M. (eds), Paris, Fayard, pp. 162-195 (chapter)
Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., 2005, "Polygenesis of linguistic strategies: a scenario for the emergence of language", in Language Acquisition, Change and Emergence: essays in evolutionary linguistics, Minett , J., Wang, W.S. (eds), Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 153-201 (chapter - final draft)
Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., 2005, "Polygenesis of linguistic strategies: a scenario for the emergence of language", in Language Acquisition, Change and Emergence: essays in evolutionary linguistics, Minett, J., Wang, W.S. (eds), Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 153-201 |
Coupé, C., 2005, "Revue de l'ouvrage "Atlas des langues - L’origine et le développement des langues dans le monde" (sous la direction de Bernard Comrie, Stephen Matthews et Marie Polinsky)
", 331, Pour la Science (eds), pp. 100 (pdf)
Coupé, C., 2004, "A unified computer model for internal and external constraints in language evolution", proc. of 5th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, Leipzig, 31 March - 3 April 2004 (eds), pp. 34-35 (abstract) (abstract, slides)
Coupé, C., 2004, "L’apparition du langage", Rapport de préparation de l'exposition "Qui sommes-nous ?" du Musée des Confluences de Lyon, Août 2004 (pdf)
Coupé, C., 2004, "Origin of language, evolution of languages: How to study the evolution of language in prehistoric societies?", Journée « Pragmatique et évolution du langage, de la communication et de la cognition sociale », Toulouse, 30 Juin 2004 |
Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., 2003, "De l'Afrique à l'Australie : Traversées maritimes, routes côtière et émergence du langage. ", Réunion annuelle de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, Paris, France, Jan. 16-18 (abstract, slides)
Coupé, C., 2003, "De l'origine du langage à l'origine des langues", Journée Origine du langage: une approche interdisciplinaire, organisée par Cognisud (Réseau sud-est des Sciences Cognitives), Lyon, France, 19 septembre 2003 |
Coupé, C., 2003, "De l'origine du langage à l'origine des langues : modélisations de l'émergence et de l'évolution des systèmes linguistiques", Thèse de Doctorat, Sciences cognitives, Université Lyon 2, Lyon (thesis)
Coupé, C., 2003, "Quelles sont les spécificités du langage (humain) ?", Conférence grand public, 17 Festival du Film Scientifique d Oullins, 26 Novembre |
Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., 2002, "Language at 70.000 BP: Evidence from sea-crossings", proc. of 4th International Conference on the Evolution of Language, Harvard, United States, March 27-30 (eds), pp. 27 (abstract) (abstract, slides)
Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., 2001, "Paléo-environnement et cognition", actes de Colloque Inter-disciplinaire en Sciences Cognitives (ARCO) 2001, Lyon, France, Dec. 12-14 (eds) (résumé) (poster) |
Coupé, C., Nguyen, P., Stern, J., 1999, "The Effectiveness of Lattice Attacks Against Low-Exponent RSA", proc. of Second International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography, PKC'99, Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan, 1-3 mars 2003 (eds), H. Imai and Y. Zheng (Eds.), Volume 1560 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, pp. 204-218 (paper)
Courson, M., Ballard, K., Canault, M., Layfield, C., Scholl, D., Gentil, C., 2012, "Lexical stress production in healthy and apraxic speakers of Australian English or French", Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology, 20:4, pp. 47-52 |
Courson, M., Ballard, K., Canault, M., Gentil, C., 2012, "Lexical stress production in healthy and apraxic speakers of French an Australian-English. ", 16th Biennal Conference on Motor Speech, Santa Rosa, 28/02/2012-4/03/2012 |
Creissels, D., Bertet, D., in prep., "Predicaciones existenciales", in Morfosintaxis: Una mirada desde las Américas, Vallejos Yopán, R., Rosés Labrada, J. (eds), |
Creissels, D., 2018, "Current issues in the morphosyntactic typology of Sub-Saharan languages", in The languages and linguistics of Africa, Güldemann, T. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 712-821 |
Creissels, D., 2018, "La catégorie des verbes statifs dans le système morphosyntaxique du soninké", Mandenkan, 59, pp. 3-30 |
Creissels, D., 2018, "Perfective tenses and epistemic modality in Northern Akhvakh", in The semantics of verbal categories in Nakh-Daghestanian languages, Forker, D., Maisak, T. (eds), Leiden / Boston, Brill, pp. 166-187 |
Creissels, D., 2018, "The Obligatory Coding Principle in diachronic perspective", in Typological hierarchies in synchrony and diachrony, Cristofaro, S., Zúñiga, F. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 59-109 |
Creissels, D., 2018, "Transitivity prominence in typological perspective: the case of Basque", in Studia Philologica et Diachronica in honorem Joakin Gorrotxategi, Lakarra, J., Urgell, B. (eds), Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea / Universidad del Pais Vasco, pp. 175-187 |
Creissels, D., 2017, "Atypical objects in Soninke (West Mande)", Italian Journal of Linguistics , 29:1, pp. 25-52 |
Creissels, D., 2017, "Copulas originating from the imperative of see / look verbs in Mande languages", in Unity and diversity in grammaticalization scenarios, Bisang, W., Malchukov, A. (eds), Berlin, Language Science Press, pp. 45-66 |
Creissels, D., Giesing, C., 2017, "Les mémoires de Maalang Galisa sur le royaume confédéré du Kaabu, un récit en langue mandinka de la Guinée-Bissau", 14, Brill, 303 p., African Sources for African History |
Creissels, D., 2017, "Non-canonical valency patterns in Basque, variation and evolution", in Contrastive studies in verbal valency, Hellan, L., Malchukov, A., Cennamo, M. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 79-89 |
Creissels, D., 2017, "Similarity, suitability, and non-epistemic modalities (volitionality, ability, and obligation)", in Similative and equative constructions: A cross-linguistic perspective, Treis, Y., Vanhove, M. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 79-89 |
Creissels, D., 2017, "The conjoint/disjoint distinction in the tonal morphology of Tswana", in The conjoint/disjoint alternation in Bantu, van der Wal, J., Hyman, L. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 200-238 |
Creissels, D., 2017, "The flexibility of the noun vs. verb distinction in the lexicon of Mandinka", in Lexical polycategoriality: Cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches, Vapnarsky, V., Veneziano, E. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 35-57 |
Creissels, D., 2017, "Transitivity and valency in Northern Akhvakh", Linguisticae Investigationes, 40:1, pp. 82-117 |
Creissels, D., 2017, "Typologie linguistique et description des langues en danger", Histoire Epistémologie Langage, 39:1, pp. 1-11 |
Creissels, D., 2016, "Additive coordination, comitative adjunction, and associative plural in Tswana", Linguistique et langues africaines , 2, pp. 11-42 |
Creissels, D., Biaye, S., 2016, "Le balant ganja: phonologie, morphosyntaxe, liste lexicale, textes", Dakar, IFAN Ch. A. Diop |
Creissels, D., 2016, "Phonologie segmentale et tonale du soninké (parler du Kingi)", Mandenkan, 55, pp. 11-42 |
Creissels, D., 2016, "Problematic aspects of coordination and subordination in Mandinka", in Coordination and Subordination: Form and Meaning— Selected Papers from CSI Lisbon 2014, Pratas, F., Pereira, S., Pinto, C. (eds), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 119-133 |
Creissels, D., 2016, "Univerbation via liaison and the evolution of lexicon and grammar in Northern Akhvakh", Languages of the Caucasus , 1:1, pp. 107-125 |
Creissels, D., 2016, "Word-formation in Akhvakh", in Word-Formation, An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, volume 5, Müller, P., Ohnheiser, I., Olsen, S., Rainer, F. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 3685-3691 |
Creissels, D., Bao Diop, S., Bassene, A., Cissé, M., Cobbinah, A., Diéye, E., Ndao, D., Quint, N., Renaudier, M., Sall, A., Segerer, G., Voisin, S., 2015, "L’impersonnalité dans les langues de la région sénégambienne", Africana Linguistica, 21, pp. 29-86 (Academia)
Creissels, D., Pozdniakov, K. (eds), 2015, "Les classes nominales dans les langues atlantiques", Cologne, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 628 p. (Couverture)
Creissels, D., Biaye, S., 2015, "Les classes nominales du balant ganja", in Les classes nominales dans les langues atlantiques, Creissels, D., Konstantin, K. (eds), Cologne, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, pp. 209-259 |
Creissels, D., 2015, "Typologie des systèmes de classes nominales dans deux groupes de langues atlantiques", in Typologie des systèmes de classes nominales dans deux groupes de langues atlantiques, Creissels, D., Pozdniakov, K. (eds), Cologne, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, pp. 7-55 |
Creissels, D., 2015, "Univerbation of light verb compounds and the Obligatory Coding Principle", in Approaches to Complex Predicates, Nash, L., Samvelian, P. (eds), Brill, pp. 46-69 |
Creissels, D., 2015, "Valency properties of Mandinka verbs", in Valency classes in the world's languages, volume 1, Malchukov, A., Comrie, B. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 221-260 |
Creissels, D., 2014, " Le développement d'un marqueur de déplacement centripète en mandinka", in .) In and Out of Africa, Languages in Question, In Honor of Robert Nicolaï, Vol. 2 Language Contact and Languge Change in Africa, de Féral, C., Kossman, M., Tosco, M. (eds), Louvain-la-Neuve / Walpole MA, Peeters, pp. 95-102 |
Creissels, D., 2014, "Approche typologique de la notion de sujet", proc. of Du sujet et de son absence dans les langues, Université de Maine, Le Mans, France, 27-28 mars 2014 (eds) |
Creissels, D., 2014, "Cross-linguistic variations in the treatment of beneficiaries and the argument vs. adjunct distinction", Linguistic Discovery , 12:2, pp. 41-55 |
Creissels, D., 2014, "Functive phrases in typological and diachronic perspective", Studies in Language, 38:3, pp. 605-647 |
Creissels, D., 2014, "Functive-transformative marking in Akhvakh and other Caucasian languages", in Jazyk. Konstanty. Peremennye. Pamjati Aleksandra Evgen’eviča Kibrika, Plungjan, V., Daniel, M., Ljutikova, E., Tatevosov, S., Fedorova, O. (eds), Saint-Pétersbourg, Aleteja, pp. 430-449 |
Creissels, D., 2014, "La prédication : une approche typologique", Verbum, 36:2, pp. 265-290 |
Creissels, D., 2014, "Le développement d’un marqueur de déplacement centripète en mandinka", in In and Out of Africa, Languages in Question, In Honor of Robert Nicolaï, Volume 2, Language contact and language change in Africa, Féral, C., Kossmann, M., Tosco, M. (eds), Louvain-la-Neuve, Peeters, pp. 95-102 |
Creissels, D., 2014, "Niger-Congo", in The Oxford handbook of derivational morphology, Lieber, R., Štekauer, P. (eds), Oxford University Press, pp. 558-572 |
Creissels, D., 2014, "P-lability and radical P-alignment", Linguistics, 52:4, pp. 911-944 |
Creissels, D., 2014, "The new adjectives of Tswana", in Word classes. Nature, typology and representations, Simone, R., Masini, F. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 75-94 |
Creissels, D., 2013, "Atlantic noun class systems: a typological approach", Language Documentation & Linguistic Theory 4, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, United Kingdom, 7-8 December 2013 |
Creissels, D., 2013, "Coding frames in typological perspective and the notion of accusativity / ergativity", Transalpine Typology Meeting, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 30-31 May 2013 |
Creissels, D., 2013, "Control and the evolution of possessive and existential constructions", in Argument structure in flux, van Gelderen, E., Cennamo, M., Barðdal, J. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 461-476 |
Creissels, D., 2013, "Existential predication in typological perspective", proc. of 46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Workshop Space, Time and Existence: Typological, cognitive and philosophical viewpoints, Split, Croatia, 18-21 September 2013 (eds) (abstract) |
Creissels, D., 2013, "Floating genitives and possessive framing in Northern Akhvakh", in The genitive, Carlier, A., Verstraete, J.C. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 333-354 |
Creissels, D., 2013, "High tone spreading in four Sotho-Tswana varieties", 5th International Conference on Bantu Languages, Paris, France, 12–15 June 2013 |
Creissels, D., Sambou, P., 2013, "Le mandinka (mandiŋkakáŋo) : phonologie, grammaire, textes", Paris, Karthala |
Creissels, D., 2013, "Le maninka du Niokolo (Sénégal oriental), esquisse phonologique et morphosyntaxique, liste lexicale, textes glosés", Mandenkan, 49, pp. 1-218 |
Creissels, D., 2013, "The four perfectives of Northern Akhvakh", Tense, aspect, modality and evidentiality in Nakh-Daghestanian languages, Leipzig, Germany, August 19, 2013 |
Creissels, D., 2013, "The generic use of the second person singular pronoun in Mandinka", in Languages across boundaries, studies in memory of Anna Siewierska, Bakker, D., Haspelmath, M. (eds), Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 53-67 |
Creissels, D., 2013, "The Obligatory Coding Principle in diachronic perspective", ALT X, Leipzig, Germany, 15-18 August 2013 |
Creissels, D., Diagne, A., 2013, "Transitivity in Bakel Soninke", Mandenkan, 50, pp. 5-38 |
Creissels, D., 2013, "Univerbation of light verb compounds and the Obligatory Coding Principle", ACP, Paris, France, 29-31 May 2013 |
Creissels, D., Bassène, A.C., 2013, "Valency patterns for bivalent verbs in two West African languages: Mandinka (Mande) and Jóola Banjal (Atlantic)", Afrikanistik Aegyptologie, online |
Creissels, D., 2013, "Valency patterns for bivalent verbs in two West African languages: Mandinka (Mande) and Jóola Banjal (Atlantic)", Valency classes in the world’s languages, Leipzig, Germany, August 14-15 August 2013 |
Creissels, D., 2012, "Aparición y evolución de esquemas de valencia no canónicos y ergatividad", proc. of III Congreso de la Cátedra Luis Michelena, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Pays Basque en Espagne, 8-11 Octubre 2012 (eds) (abstract) |
Creissels, D., 2012, "External agreement in the converbal construction of Northern Akhvakh", in Clause linkage in cross-linguistic perspective, Gast, V., Diessel, H. (eds), Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 127-156 |
Creissels, D., 2012, "Incorporation in Mandinka", Syntax of the World’s Languages 5, Dubrovnik, Croatia , 1-4 October 2012 |
Creissels, D., Mounole, C., 2012, "Non-canonical valency patterns in Basque, variation and evolution", 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Workshop : Contrastive studies of verbal valency in European languages, Stockholm, Sweden, 29 August - 1 September 2012 |
Creissels, D., 2012, "Origin and evolution of antipassive markers in West Mande languages", WOCAL 7, World Congress of African Linguistics, University of Buea, Cameroon, 20–24 August 2012 |
Creissels, D., 2012, "Similarity, suitability, and deontic modalities", proc. of Expressions of similarity from an Africanist and typological perspective, Paris, France, 16/17 July 2012 (eds) |
Creissels, D., 2012, "The origin of antipassive markers in West Mande languages", 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Stockholm, Sweden, 29 August - 1 September 2012 |
Creissels, D., Mounole, C., 2011, "Animacy and spatial cases: typological tendencies, and the case of Basque", in Case, animacy and semantic roles, Kittilä, S., Västi, K., Ylikoski, J. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 157-182 |
Creissels, D., 2011, "Cross-linguistic variations in the treatment of beneficiaries and the argument vs. adjunct distinction", SLE 44th annual meeting. Workshop : The argument/adjunct distinction cross-linguistically , Logroño, Spain, 8-11 September 2011 |
Creissels, D., Pasquereau, J., 2011, "Emergence and evolution of exceptional valency patterns in ergative languages: a case study", SLE 44th annual meeting, Logroño, Spain, 8-11 September 2011 |
Creissels, D., 2011, "Le bambara", in Dictionnaire des langues, Bonvini, E., Busuttil, J., Peyraube, A. (eds), Paris, PUF, pp. 33-43 |
Creissels, D., 2011, "Le tswana", in Dictionnaire des langues, Bonvini, E., Busuttil, J., Peyraube, A. (eds), Paris, PUF, pp. 176-184 |
Creissels, D., 2011, "Les langues Niger-Congo", in Dictionnaire des langues, Bonvini, E., Busuttil, J., Peyraube, A. (eds), Paris, PUF, pp. 13-19 |
Creissels, D., 2011, "Mandinka antipassive and causative in historical perspective", 3rd International Conference on Mande Languages & Linguistics, Paris, France, 14-16 September 2011 |
Creissels, D., 2011, "Syntactic contrasts between closely related dialects: Mandinka antipassive and causative", Workshop Variation and typology : new trends in syntactic research, Helsinki, Finland, 25-27 August 2011 |
Creissels, D., 2011, "The essive/functive in typological perspective", ALT IX, Hong-Kong, China, 21-24 July 2011 |
Creissels, D., 2011, "The functive (alias essive): syncretisms and grammaticalization paths", Workshop on Role Complexes, (New) approaches to defining semantic roles, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 4–5 April 2011 |
Creissels, D., 2011, "Tswana locatives and their status in the inversion construction", Africana Linguistica, 17, pp. 33-52 |
Creissels, D., 2011, "Univerbation via liaison and the evolution of lexicon and grammar in Northern Akhvakh", Workshop on Caucasian Languages, Leipzig, Germany, 13–15 May 2011 |
Creissels, D., 2011, "Valency properties of Mandinka verbs", Valency Classes in the World’s Languages, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, 14-17 April 2011 |
Creissels, D., Pasquereau, J., 2011, "Why do Daghestanian Spatial Case Systems leak?", AFLiCo IV, Lyon, France, 24-27 May 2011 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "Benefactive applicative periphrases: A typological approach", in Benefactives and Malefactives, Typological perspectives and case studies, Zuñiga, F., Kittilä, S. (eds), Amsterdam / Philadelphia , John Benjamins, pp. 29-69 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "Control and the evolution of possessive and existential constructions", Workshop : Variation and Change in Argument Realization, Naples-Capri, Italy, 28 May - 2 June 2010 |
Creissels, D., Kouadio, J., 2010, "Ditransitive constructions in Baule", in Studies in ditransitive constructions: A comparative handbook, Malchukov, A., Haspelmath, M., Comrie, B. (eds), Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 166-189 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "Fluid intransitivity in Romance languages: a typological approach", Archivio Glottologico Italiano, 2, pp. 117-151 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "La notion de marque dans l’organisation des systèmes casuels", in Typologie et comparatisme, mélanges offerts à Alain Lemaréchal, Choi-Jonin, I., Duval, M., Soutet, O. (eds), Leuven / Paris, Peeters, pp. 77-92 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "La notion de marque dans l'organisation des systèmes casuels", in Typologie et comparatisme, mélanges offerts à Alain Lemaréchal, Choi-Jonin, I., Duval, M., Soutet, O. (eds), Typologie et comparatisme, mélanges offerts à Alain Lemaréchal, Leuven/Paris, Peeters, pp. 77-92 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "Liste lexicale du dialonké de Faléya", Mandenkan, 46, pp. 49-71 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "Négation et focus préverbal", in La négation et les énoncés non susceptibles d’être niés, Floricic, F., Lambert-Brétière, R. (eds), CNRS Editions, pp. 81-100 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "Person deixis in Northern Akhvakh reported speech", Workshop : Reported speech in East Caucasian languages, Lyon, France, 22 September 2010 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "Specialized converbs and adverbial subordination in Axaxdere Akhvakh", in Clause linking and clause hierarchy: syntax and pragmatics, Brill, I. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia , John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 105-142 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "The ‘new adjectives’ of Tswana", WC2010, Rome, Italy, 24-26 March 2010 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "The accentuation of Northern Akhvakh nouns in the nominative case", Les langues du Caucase, aspects génétiques, aréaux et typologiques, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 17-18 Juin 2010 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "The essive form of nouns in Akhvakh and other Caucasian languages", SLE – 43rd annual meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2–5 September 2010 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "The flexibility of the noun vs. verb distinction in the lexicon of Mandinka", International Conference on Polycategoriality, Paris, France, 4-6 October 2010 |
Creissels, D., 2010, "Transitivity alternations in Mandinka", Workshop on Valency Classes, Leipzig, Germany, 21 August 2010 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "Контрастивный анализ датива в ахвахском и русском языках [Analyse contrastive du datif en russe et en akhvakh]", Problèmes théoriques et pratiques du bilinguisme entre les langues nationales et le russe, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 27-28 May 2009 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "Плавающий генитив ахвахского языка в типологической перспективе [Le génitif flottant de l’akhvakh en perspective typologique]", 2ème conférence internationale 'Typologie contensive des langues naturelles, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, 14-15 May 2009 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "Animacy and spatial cases", Workshop : Cases, animacy and semantic roles, Helsinki, Finland, 26 August 2009 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "Construct forms of nouns in African languages", proc. of Proceedings of Conference on Language Documentation & Linguistic Theory 2, Londres, 13-14 novembre 2009, Austin, P., Bond, O., Charette, M., Nathan, D., Sells, P. (eds), pp. 73-82 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "Construct forms of nouns in African languages", LDLT 2, SOAS, London, United Kingdom, 13-14 November 2009 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "Ergativity / accusativity revisited", ALT VIII, Berkeley, United States, 24 – 28 July 2009 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "Language documentation and verb inflection typology: the case of Northern Akhvakh (Nakh-Daghestanian)", Chronos 9, Paris, France, 2-4 September 2008 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "Le malinké de Kita", Cologne, Rüdiger Köppe |
Creissels, D., 2009, "Les relatives corrélatives: le cas du malinké de Kita", Langages, 179, pp. 39-52 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "Les relatives corrélatives: le cas du malinké de Kita", Langages, 174:2, pp. 39-52 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "Non-spatial functions of spatial forms in Northern Akhvakh", Workshop : Non-spatial functions of spatial forms in East Caucasian, Helsinki, Finland, 29 August 2009 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "Participles and finiteness: The case of Akhvakh", Linguistic Discovery, 7:1, pp. 106-130 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "P-lability and radical P-alignment", ISTAL 19, Salonique, 3-5 avril 2009 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "P-lability and radical P-alignment", 19th International Symposium on Theoretical & Applied Linguistics. Workshop : Typology of Labile Verbs: Focus on Diachrony, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 3–5 April 2009 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "The presentational focus construction of Tswana, a case against "locative subjects"", 3rd International Conference on Bantu Languages, Tervuren (Belgique), 25-28 mars 2009 |
Creissels, D., 2009, "Uncommon patterns of core term marking and case terminology", Lingua, 119:3, pp. 445-459 |
Creissels, D., Dimmendaal, G., Frajzyngier, Z., König, C., 2008, "Africa as a morphosyntactic area", in A linguistic geography of Africa, Heine, B., Nurse, D. (eds), Cambridge University Press |
Creissels, D., 2008, "Direct and indirect explanations of typological regularities: the case of alignment variations", Folia Linguistica, 42:1, pp. 1-38 |
Creissels, D., 2008, "Impersonal pronouns and co-reference, the case of French 'on'", 41st meeting of the SLE, Forli (Italie), 17-20 septembre 2008 |
Creissels, D., 2008, "L'incorporation en mandinka", in La composition dans une perspective typologique, Amiot, D. (eds), Artois Presses Université, pp. 75-88 |
Creissels, D., 2008, "Person variations in Akhvakh verb morphology: functional motivation and origin of an uncommon pattern", Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung, 61:4, pp. 309-325 |
Creissels, D., 2008, "Predicative argument marking: the case of transformation verbs", Cognitive and functional perspectives on dynamic tendencies in languages, Tartu (Estonie), 29 mai-1er juin 2008 |
Creissels, D., 2008, "Remarks on so-called "conjunct/disjunct" systems", proc. of Syntax of the world's languages III, Berlin, 25-28 septembre 2008 (eds) |
Creissels, D., 2008, "Remarks on split intransitivity and fluid intransitivity", in Empirical issues in syntax and Semantics 7, Bonami, O., Cabredo Hofherr, P. (eds), http://www.cssp.cnrs.fr/eiss7 |
Creissels, D., 2008, "Spatial cases", in The handbook of case, Malchukov, A., Spencer, A. (eds), Oxford University Press (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2008, "Specialized converbs in Andic languages, inventories and grammaticalization processes", The Caucasian languages, genetic, typological and areal connections, Makhachkala (Russie), 14-16 octobre 2008 |
Creissels, D., Voisin, S., 2008, "Valency-changing operations in Wolof and the notion of « co-participation »", in Reciprocals and Reflexives: cross-linguistic and theoretical explorations, König, E., Gast, V. (eds), Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 289-306 |
Creissels, D., 2007c, "Remarks on split intransitivity", CSSP, Paris, octobre 2007 (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2007b, "Impersonal and anti-impersonal constructions, a typological approach", ALT VII, Paris, septembre 2007 (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2007a, "A sketch of Bambara argument structure", Grammar and proceeding of verbal arguments, Leipzig, avril 2007 (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2007, "Grammaire du malinké de Kita", Lyon (eds), pp. 229 |
Creissels, D., 2007, "Intensifiers, reflexivity and logophoricity in Axaxdere Akhvakh", Conference on the languages of the Caucasus, Leipzig, 7-9 décembre 2007 |
Creissels, D., 2007, "L'influence des voyelles sur les évolutions des consonnes en Tswana", Africana Linguistica, 13, pp. 33-52 |
Creissels, D., 2007, "Réflexivisation, transitivité et agent affecté", in L'énoncé réfléchi, Rousseau, A., Bottineau, D., Roulland, D. (eds), Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes |
Creissels, D., 2007, "Remarks on split intransitivity", proc. of CSSP - Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris, Paris, 4-6 octobre 2007 (eds) |
Creissels, D., 2006f, "Suffixes casuels et postpositions en hongrois", Bulletin de la Société de linguistique de Paris, 101:1, pp. 225-272 (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2006e, "L'incorporation en mandinka", La composition dans une perspective typologique, Arras, 24 mars 2006 (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2006d, "The emergence of person agreement in Akhvakh: an unusual grammaticalization path", Rara & Rarissima, Leipzig, 29 mars - 1er avril 2006 (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2006c, "The construct form of nouns in African languages, a typological approach", CALL 36, Leiden, 28-30 août 2006 (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2006b, "Finiteness in Akhvakh, and the notion of participle", International Workshop Morphosyntax of Caucasian Languages, Paris, 11-14 décembre 2006 (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2006a, "Direct and indirect explanations of typological regularities: the case of alignment variations", proc. of SLE 2006 - 39th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Bremen, 30 août - 2 septembre 2006 (eds) (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2006, "Encoding the distinction between location, source, and destination: A typological study", in Space in Languages: Linguistic Systems and Cognitive Categories, Hickmann, M., Robert, S. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 19-28 |
Creissels, D., 2006, "Syntaxe générale une introduction typologique 1 : catégories et constructions", 1/2, Paris, Hermès - Lavoisier (Couverture)
Creissels, D., 2006, "Syntaxe générale une introduction typologique 2 : la phrase", 2/2, Paris, Hermès - Lavoisier (Couverture)
Creissels, D., 2006, "Tswana verb morphology and the Lexical Integrity Principle", Lingue e Linguaggio, 5:1, pp. 49-66 |
Creissels, D., Godard, D., 2005f, "The Tswana Infinitive as a Mixed Category", proc. of HPSG05, Lisbonne, août 2005 (eds) (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2005e, "Uncommon patterns of core term marking: antiaccusative and antiergative", ALT VI, Padang (Indonésie), juillet 2005 (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2005d, "Les prépositions simples du tswana", Grammaire des formes faibles, Paris, 22 janvier 2005 (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2005c, "Tswana verb morphology and the Lexical Integrity Principle", proc. of MMM5 - Mediterranean Morpholgy Meeting, Fréjus, 15-18 septembre 2005 (eds) (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2005b, "S-O-V-X constituent order and constituent order alternations in West African Languages", proc. of BLS 31, Berkeley, 18-20 février 2005 (eds) (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2005a, "A typology of subject marker and object marker systems in African languages", in Studies in African linguistic typology, Voeltz, E. (eds), Typological studies in Language, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2005, "L'émergence de systèmes à 9 voyelles en bantou S30", in Studies in African comparative linguistics, Bostoen, K., Maniacky, J. (eds), Tervuren, Royal Museum for Central Africa, pp. 191-198 |
Creissels, D., 2005, "S-O-V-X constituent order and constituent order alternations in West African languages", in Proceedings of the 31st annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, special session on the langues of West Africa, xxx, x. (eds), Berkeley, Berkeley Linguistics Society |
Creissels, D., 2005, "Sujet et agent: une approche typologique", in Recherches en Linguistique et Psychologie cognitive 21, Pauchard, J., Canon-Roger, F. (eds), Reims, Presses Universitaires de Reims |
Creissels, D., Godard, D., 2005, "The Tswana Infinitive as a mixed category", in Proceedings of the HPSGO5 Conference, Müller, S. (eds), Stanford, CSLI |
Creissels, D., Voisin, S., 2004e, "The verbal suffixes of Wolof coding valency changes and the notion of co-participation", proc. of Reciprocity and Reflexivity, Berlin, Allemagne, Octobre 2004 (eds) (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2004d, "Non-canonical applicatives and focalization in Tswana", Syntax of the World's Langguages, Leipzig, 5-8 août 2004 (pdf)
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Creissels, D., 2004, "Cours de Syntaxe de Sciences Du Langage" (eds), Université Lyon 2 |
Creissels, D., 2004, "La notion d'adjectif dans une perspective typologique", in L'adjectif en français et à travers les langues, François, J. (eds), Caen, Presses Universitaires de Caen |
Creissels, D., 2004, "Le nom composé en bambara", in Le nom composé : données sur 16 langues, Arnaud, P. (eds), Lyon, Presses Universitaires de Lyon, pp. 21-46 |
Creissels, D., 2004, "L'occlusive vélaire sonore g et les labio-vélaires (w, gw, kw, gb, kp) en mandingue", Mandenkan, 39, pp. 1-22 |
Creissels, D., 2003c, "Encoding the distinction between localization, the source of motion and the direction of motion: a typological study", proc. of Colloque international Space in languages: linguistic systems and cognitive categories, Ecole Normale Supérieure d'Ulm, Paris, France, 7-8 février 2003 (eds) |
Creissels, D., 2003b, "Some remarks on tonal processes occurring at utterance boundaries", Frankfurter Afrikanistische Blätter, 15, pp. 49-58 |
Creissels, D., 2003a, "Adjectifs et adverbes dans les langues subsahariennes", in Typologie des langues d'Afrique et universaux de la grammaire, 1/2, Sauzet, P., Zribi-Hertz, A. (eds), Paris, L'Harmattan, pp. 17-38 |
Creissels, D., 2003, "Are there indirect objects in African languages?", ALT V, Cagliari (Italie), septembre 2003 |
Creissels, D., 2003, "La grammaticalisations des verbes signifiant 'être semblable à' ou 'être égal à'", in Cahiers Chronos 11, xxx, x. (eds), Amsterdam / New York, Rodopi |
Creissels, D., 2003, "L'emploi comme auxiliaire du verbe tswana re 'dire'", in Perspectives synchroniques sur la grammaticalisation, Robert, S. (eds), Louvain / Paris, Peeters, pp. 162-185 |
Creissels, D., 2003, "Suffixes casuels et postpositions en hongrois", Grammaire des formes faibles, Paris, 06 / 12 / 2003 |
Creissels, D., 2002, "Présentation du tswana", Lalies, 23, pp. 5-128 |
Creissels, D., 2002, "Valence verbale et voix en tswana", Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, XCVII:1, pp. 371-426 |
Creissels, D., 2001g, "Heterogeneous paradigms and grammaticalization processes: the example of the negative verb forms of Setswana", 32nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Berkeley, Etats-Unis, 22-25 mars 2001 |
Creissels, D., 2001f, "A typology of subject marker and object marker systems in African languages", International Symposium: Typology of African Languages, Köln, Allemagne, 21-24 mai 2001 |
Creissels, D., 2001e, "Aspects synchroniques et diachroniques de la relation entre réfléchi et moyen", Conférence internationale "Réfléchi et moyen", Tunis, Tunisie, 15-17 mars 2001 |
Creissels, D., 2001d, "La notion d'adjectif dans une perspective typologique", Colloque international "L'adjectif en français et à travers les langues", Caen, France, 28-30 juin 2001 |
Creissels, D., 2001c, "Morphological characteristics and syntactic properties of the Setswana Gerundive", Conference on finiteness, Konstanz, Allemagne, 11-13 mai 2001 |
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