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Grinevald, C., 2018, "La noción de 'perfil sociolinguistico' de una lengua amenazada", proc. of Congreso Internacional 'Contacto, documentación y revitalización de lenguas en desplazamiento en Hispanoamérica: Desafíos en la diversidad II', Université de San jose, Costa Rica, 26 février (eds) |
Grinevald, C., 2018, "La revitalización lingüística y su importancia para los pueblos", URACCAN Bluefields, Nicaragua, 10 mars |
Grinevald, C., 2018, "Langues en danger : le cas de l’Oregon", Description et documentation des Langues en Danger, Université de Grenoble-Alpes, 26 octobre |
Grinevald, C., 2018, "Les langues d’Amérique latine", Programme Amérique latine, IEP Lyon 2, octobre |
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Grinevald, C., Bert, M., Pivot, B., 2017, "Articulating the sociolinguistic context of very endangered language revitalization projects: LED TDR and PAR", EngHum Conference 2017, University of Warsaw, 15 novembre |
Grinevald, C., 2017, "Different versions of PAR over the thirty years of the Rama Language Project of Nicaragua ", EngHum Conference 2017 , University of Warsaw, 15 novembre |
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Grinevald, C., 2017, "Le réveil de langues “endormies” the reawakening of sleeping languages Le cas de langues d’Oregon NILI été 2016", Université de Montpellier |
Grinevald, C., 2017, "Sur les langues d'Amérique latine", Programme Amérique latine, IEP Lyon2, 9 octobre |
Grinevald, C., 2017, "Terrain, Description et Typologie des langues : comment analyser la diversité des langues du monde?", GipsaLab, Université de Grenoble-Alpes, 12 mai |
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Grinevald, C., 2017, "Updating Grinevald 2007: Linguistic fieldwork among speakers of endangered languages", EngHum Conference 2017, University of Warsaw, 14 Novembre |
Grinevald, C., 2016, "A modern linguistic fieldwork approach to ancient egyptian hieroglyphs ", The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, 10 février |
Grinevald, C., Sinha, C., 2016, "North-South Relations in Linguistic Science: Collaboration or Colonialism", in Endangered Languages and Languages in Danger. Issues of documentation, policy, and language rights, Filipović, L., Pütz, M. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 25-43 |
Grinevald, C., 2016, "The Jakaltek Popti’ noun classifier system: Changes due to Spanish contact", in Language Contact and Change in the Americas: Studies in honor of Marianne Mithun, Berez Kroeker, A., Hintz, D., Jany, C. (eds), Studies in Language Companion Series 173, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 273-296 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2015, "About linguistic fieldwork…and endangered languages", proc. of International Workshop on Linguistic Fieldwork in South Asia, Uppsala, Suède, 1-2 Juin (eds) |
Grinevald, C., 2015, "Les langues du monde et les langues en danger", UFR LLASIC, Grenoble, 22 septembre |
Grinevald, C., 2015, "'Linguicide'. Notes d’une linguiste de terrain spécialiste de LED. Etude de cas du Projet Rama du Nicaragua
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Grinevald, C., Hagège, C., Tournadre, N., 2015, "Linguistes de terrain et disparition des langues. La tête au carré - France Inter" (eds), 55 minutes |
Grinevald, C., Tournadre, T., 2015, "Linguistes de terrain et disparition des langues. La tête au carré - France Inter" (eds), 55 minutes |
Grinevald, C., 2015, "Linguistics of classifiers", in Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Wright, J. (eds), Oxford, Elsevier Science Ltd, pp. 811-818 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., Goldwasser, O., 2014, "At the crossroad of gender and classifiers in Ancient Egyptian", Gender and Classifiers : Cross Linguistic Perspectives, University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom, January 17, 2014 |
Grinevald, C., 2014, "Le défi des langues en danger"/82, Dossier Pour la Science. L’évolution des langues (eds), pp. 110-116 |
Grinevald, C., 2014, "Les langues menacées"/82, Dossier Pour la Science. L’évolution des langues (eds), pp. 80-86 |
Grinevald, C., Sinha, C., 2014, "North South Relations in Linguistic Science: collaboration
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Grinevald, C., Bert, M., 2014, "Whose ideology, where and when? Rama (Nicaragua) and Francoprovençal (France) experiences", in Endangered Languages: Beliefs and Ideologies in Language Documentation and Revitalisation, Austin, P., Sallabank, J. (eds), Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 357-386 |
Grinevald, C., Haude, K., 2013, "Class terms, classifiers or noun classes? the case of Movima", 10th ALT (Association of Linguistic Typology), Leipzig, Allemagne, 15-18 août |
Grinevald, C., 2013, "Evolution des langues en situations de contact : adaptation ou perte ? ", proc. of Lyon, EvoLyon’ 2013 , 21 novembre (eds) (abstract) |
Grinevald, C., 2013, "Look alike noun classifiers in three modalities: spoken (Jakaltek Popti’ Mayan), signed (French Sign Language) and written (Egyptian Hieroglyphs)", proc. of Approches Empiriques de la Multi-Modalite et de la Variation Linguistique (AFLiCo 5), Université Lille 3, Villeneuve d'Ascq (France) , 15-17 mai (eds) (abstract) |
Grinevald, C., Pivot, B., 2013, "On the revitalisation of a 'treasure language': the Rama language project of Nicaragua", in Keeping Languages Alive: Documentation, Pedagogy and Revitalization, Jones, M., Ogilvie, S. (eds), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 181-197 |
Grinevald, C., Milin, R., 2013, "Une richesse linguistique en péril"/Hors-série, L’Atlas du monde de demain. Le Monde - la vie (eds), pp. 154-155 |
Grinevald, C., 2013, "Update on Grinevald 2000 « A Morphosyntactic typology of Classifiers »", Special Colloquium, University of Oregon, 5 mars |
Grinevald, C., Peake, M., 2012, "Ergativity and voice in Mayan languages: a functional-typological approach", in Ergativity, Valency and Voice, Haude, K., Authier, G. (eds), Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 15-50 |
Grinevald, C., 2012, "Proyecto de Lengua Rama: hablando de espacio y territorio", 54 ICA (International Congress of Americanists), Vienna, Austria, 15-21 juillet |
Grinevald, C., 2012, "Sur la notion de typologie évolutive : l’exemple d’une typologie de systèmes de classificateurs", in Typologie et description linguistiques : Interfaces et interactions, 46, Imbert, C., Vallée, N. (eds), LIDIL, Grenoble, Ellug, pp. 23-43 (Article)
Grinevald, C., Kauffmann, M., 2012, "Traditional Rama Food. Alimentos Tradicionales del pueblo rama", Managua, Grafitex, 55 p., Coleccion Identidades y Patrimonio Cultural. Programa Conjunto de Revitalizacion Cultural y Desarrollo Productivo Creativo en la Costa Caribe de Nicaragua |
Grinevald, C., Goldwasser, O., 2012, "What Are "Determinatives" Good For?", in Lexical Semantics in Ancient Egyptian, Grossman, E., Polis, S., Winand, J. (eds), Lingua Aegyptia - Studia Monographica 9, Hamburg, Widmaier Verlag, pp. 17-53 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2011, "40 ans de recherche sur langues en danger", proc. of Célébrations des 3ans de Sorosoro, Maison des Cultures du Monde, Paris, 8 décembre (eds) (abstract) |
Grinevald, C., Ishibashi, M., Leemens, M., Vuillermet, M., 2011, "Building a Typology of Path: what kind of typology, what methodologies, what languages?", Pre-AFLiCo ‘Trajectoire’ Workshop, Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage / Université Lyon 2, Lyon, 23-24 mai. |
Grinevald, C., 2011, "On constructing a working typology of the expression of path", Faits de Langues, Les Cahiers, 3, pp. 43-70 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2011, "The expression of path in Jakaltek Popti (Mayan): When directionals do it all", in Representing Language: Essays in honor of Judith Aissen, Guitiérrez-Bravo, R., Mikkelsen, L., Potsdam, E. (eds), Santa Cruz, Linguistics Research Center, University of California, pp. 89-104 |
Grinevald, C., Kauffmann, M., 2010, "Bibliografía Rama", Revista de Historia (Managua), 23-24, pp. 243-248 |
Grinevald, C., 2010, "Dans l’absolu toute langue, quelle que soit sa nature, est apte à survivre"/118, Les Cahiers de Science et Vie (eds), pp. 112-114 |
Grinevald, C., Kauffmann, M., 2010, "El diccionario Turkulka del Proyecto de Lengua Rama y el Vocabulario de Lehmann en el Index Lehmann", Revista de Historia (Managua), 23-24, pp. 227-242 |
Grinevald, C., 2010, "La disparition des langues"/118, L’origine des langues. Cahiers de Science et Vie (eds) |
Grinevald, C., Bert, M., 2010, "Langues en danger, idéologies et revitalisation", Langues de France, langues en danger: aménagement et rôle des linguistes, DDL/ICAR/Institut Gardette/DGLF-LF, Lyon, 22-23 janvier |
Grinevald, C., 2010, "Langues en danger, idéologies et revitalisation"/124, Culture et Recherche (eds), pp. 29 |
Grinevald, C., Costa, J., 2010, "Langues en danger: le phénomène et la réponse des linguistes", in Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger: Locuteurs et linguistes, Grinevald, C., Bert, M. (eds), Faits de Langues 35-36, Paris, Ophrys, pp. 23-37 |
Grinevald, C., Bert, M., 2010, "Les langues sont-elles durables", actes de Forum Lyon-Libé « Planète Durable », Hôtel de Ville, Lyon, 26 septembre (eds) (résumé) |
Grinevald, C., 2010, "Linguistique de terrain sur deux langues en danger: locuteurs et méthodes", in Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger: Locuteurs et linguistes, Grinevald, C., Bert, M. (eds), Faits de Langues 35-36, Paris, Ophrys, pp. 133-177 |
Grinevald, C., Bert, M. (eds), 2010, "Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger, Locuteurs et linguistes", 35-36, Ophrys |
Grinevald, C., 2010, "Postface: Cadre institutionnel, financements, remerciements, sitographie", in Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger: Locuteurs et linguistes, Grinevald, C., Bert, M. (eds), Faits de Langues 35-36, Paris, Ophrys, pp. 469-478 |
Grinevald, C., 2010, "Présentation générale", in Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger: Locuteurs et linguistes, Grinevald, C., Bert, M. (eds), Faits de Langues 35-36, Ophrys, pp. 11-22 |
Grinevald, C., Bert, M., 2010, "Proposition de typologie des locuteurs de LED", Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger: Locuteurs et linguistes, 35/36, pp. 117-132 |
Grinevald, C., 2010, "Quarante ans de perspective sur deux langues en danger: le jakaltek popti’ du Guatemala et le rama du Nicaragua", in Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger: Locuteurs et linguistes, 35-36, Grinevald, C., Bert, M. (eds), Faits de Langues, Paris, Ophrys, pp. 39-78 |
Grinevald, C., Bert, M., 2010, "Speakers and community", in The Cambridge handbook of endangered languages, Austin, P., Sallabank, J. (eds), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 45-65 |
Grinevald, C., 2009, "D : disparition des langues", "L’Abécédaire Scientifique des Curieux", Selection from "La tête au carré" on France-Inter Radio Network, interview by M. Vidard, France (eds) |
Grinevald, C., 2009, "La préservation de la diversité linguistique comme processus de paix", proc. of Congres sobre el avaor de les cultures. 25th anniversary of UNESCOCAT, Barcelona, 24 Mars (eds) |
Grinevald, C., 2009, "Les langues maya du Guatemala : projets collaboratifs de documentation ", actes de Sorosoro Website Launch, Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, 6 octobre (eds) |
Grinevald, C., Ortiz, W., Pivot, B., Kauffmann, M., 2009, "Nuunik El libro del sol. Libro del Maestro", Managua, Grafitex, 42 p., Miss Nora Rigby Collection. GTR-K & IBIS |
Grinevald, C., Assadi, B., Kauffmann, M., 2009, "SALPKA. Turkulka. Rama language dictionary, semantic field FISH", Managua, Grafitex, 80 p., Miss Nora Rigby Collection. GTR-K & IBIS |
Grinevald, C., 2009, "The (Jakaltek) Popti’ Noun Classifier System: From its origins to recent developments", The diachrony of classification systems COST Workshop (Action A31), Wassenaar, 12-14 Mars 2009 |
Grinevald, C., Bert, M., 2009, "Whose ideology, where and when? Rama (Nicaragua) and Francoprovençal (France) experiences", ELAP Workshop: Beliefs and Ideology, SOAS, Londres, United Kingdom, February 27-28 |
Grinevald, C., 2008, ""Langues en danger". In Et pourtant elle tourne, on France-Inter Radio Network, 26 February 2008, France" (eds), ? |
Grinevald, C., 2008, "A multi-dimensional approach to the study of classifiers", The boundaries of classification COST Conference (Action A31), University of Kent, 10 September 2008 |
Grinevald, C., 2008, "Aux 21e siècle, 3000 langues vont disparaître"/221, Science et Vie Junior, Interview by C. Peyrières (eds), pp. 56-59 |
Grinevald, C., 2008, "Comment penser la diversité linguistique : de quoi est-elle faite et pourquoi la préserver", Fondation Chirac Conference, "Sorosoro" program on Endangered Languages, Paris, 9 June 2008 |
Grinevald, C., Goldwasser, O., Dubois, D., 2008, "Formes linguistiques et catégories sémantiques : le cas des hiéroglyphes classificateurs de l’ancienne Egypte", proc. of ACI Langage et Cognition Conference, Paris, 2 Octobre 2008 (eds) |
Grinevald, C., Kauffmann, M., 2008, "Growing back the Rama language", WANI Revista del Caribe Nicaraguense, 54 |
Grinevald, C., Kopke, B., 2008, "La diversité des langues à travers les phénomènes de classification dans les langues vocales et signées: aspects méthodologiques", proc. of ACI Langage et Cognition Conference, Paris, 2 October 2008 (eds) |
Grinevald, C., Milin, R., 2008, "Lancement de la Fondation Chirac : programme Sorosoro. Interview Europe N1 and France Culture Radio Networks. 10 June 2008, France." (eds), xx |
Grinevald, C., 2008, "Some ways to think about ethics", 3L Summer School, Description and Documentation Session, Lyon, 28 June 2008 |
Grinevald, C., 2008, "Typologie des systèmes de classification linguistique: Evolution et mise à jour", Société Linguistique de Paris, Paris, 15 November 2008 |
Grinevald, C., 2007, ""Les langues en danger". In La tête au carré, on France-Inter Radio Network, 6 November 2007, France" (eds), ? |
Grinevald, C., 2007, "Encounters at the brink: linguistic fieldwork among speakers of endangered languages", in The Vanishing Languages of the Pacific Rim, Miyaoka, O., Sakiyama, O., Krauss, M. (eds), Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 35-76 |
Grinevald, C., 2007, "Endangered Languages of Mexico and Central America", in Endangered Languages, Brenzinger, M. (eds), Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 59-86 (Pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2007, "La disparition des langues", France (eds), 53 |
Grinevald, C., 2007, "Linguistic fieldwork among speakers of endangered languages", in The Vanishing Languages of the Pacific Rim, Miyaoka, O., Sakiyama, O., Krauss, M. (eds), Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 35-76 (Pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2007, "The linguistic characterization of spatial entities: classifiers and other nominal classification systems", in The Categorization of Spatial Entities in Language and Cognition, Aurnague, M., Hickman, M., Vieu, L. (eds), Human Cognitive Processing 20, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 93-121 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., Kauffmann, M., 2007, "Toponimia del territorio rama en la lengua y cultura el pueblo rama
", in Los Rama - Navegando con los Ancestros
, NUFU, P. (eds), Publication of the NUFU project- Cultural revitalization, environment and the natural resources of the indigenous peoples of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua, University of Trømsø, Norway – Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense URACCAN , pp. 33-67 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2007, "Une langue s’éteint tous les quinze jours. Rue 89, interview by C. Leprince" (eds), ? |
Grinevald, C., 2006, ""Langues amérindiennes, langues en danger". Diversité linguistqiue et culturelle" Program, Video interview filmed at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1 March 2006, Paris" (eds), ? |
Grinevald, C., 2006, "A view from the field: An Amerindien view, worrying about ethics and wondering about 'informed consent'
", in Lesser Known Languages in South Asia: Status and policies, Case Studies and Applications of Information Technology, Saxena, A., Borin, L. (eds), Lund, Mouton de Gruyter TiLSM 175, pp. 339-370 (Pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2006, "Allons-nous tous parler anglais?", 461, Marianne (eds) |
Grinevald, C., 2006, "Documentación de lenguas en peligro", proc. of Lesser Known Languages in South Asia: Status and policies, Case Studies and Applications of Information Technology, "Lenguas amerindias: mantenimiento, promoción y pervivencia", Barcelona, ?, Lluis, A., Vidal-Folch, I., Della Corte Caballero, G. (eds), ICCI, pp. 120-140 |
Grinevald, C., 2006, "En 2100, les Terriens parleront 3000 langues de moins. Interviewed by L. Belot & H. Morin", Le Monde, 1 January 2006 (eds) |
Grinevald, C., 2006, "Encounters at the brink: linguistic fieldwork among speakers of endangered languages", in The Vanishing Languages of the Pacific Rim, Miyaoka, O., Sakiyama, O., Krauss, M. (eds), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 36-76 |
Grinevald, C., 2006, "Endangered Languages: different perspectives from different countries", Department of Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley |
Grinevald, C., 2006, "Les langues amérindiennes: état des lieux", in Être Indiens dans les Amériques : Spolitations et résistance ; mobilisations ethniques et politiques du multiculturalisme, Gros, C., Strigler, M. (eds), Paris, Edition de l'Institut des Amériques et Editions de l'Institut des Hautes études de l'Amérique Latine, pp. 175-196 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2006, "Linguistique et langues amérindiennes", Lien vers la vidéo (eds), Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme, 1 mars 2006 |
Grinevald, C., 2006, "Quantas linguas existen no mundo?", Brazil (eds), ? |
Grinevald, C., 2006, "The expression of static location in a typological perspective", in Space in languages: Linguistic systems and cognitive categories, Hickmann, M., Robert , S. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, pp. 29-58 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2005, "A functional-typological appraoch to the study of language diveristy: the cas of the expression of space, with a special attention to Amerindian languages", proc. of Linguistic Diversity, University College, Cork (Ireland), 5 novembre (eds) |
Grinevald, C., 2005, "Chasseurs de langues: La mondialisation menace la planète Babel En Amérique latine, des linguistes au secours des dialectes « primitifs »", Le Monde, Paris, 26 août 2005 (eds) |
Grinevald, C., 2005, "Danger : langues en déperdition", Lunch de l’Institut des Sciences de l’Homme, Lyon |
Grinevald, C., 2005, "Documentación de lenguas en peligro", III Fòrum de les Llengües Ameríndies 2005, Barcelone, 8-9 février |
Grinevald, C., 2005, "Documentacion de lenguas en peligro: El caso de las lenguas amerindias", in Lenguas amerindias: politicas de promocion y pervivencia, Della-Corte Caballero, G., Lluis i Vidal-Floch, A. (eds), Casa America Catalunya, pp. 120-140 (Pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2005, "Documentación de lenguas en peligro: el caso de las lenguas amerindias", Grupo Investigación Desarrrollo Ediciones (GIDE), San Juan, Argentina |
Grinevald, C., 2005, "El ocaso de un idioma", Managua, Nicaragua (eds), Canal 2, Août 2005 |
Grinevald, C., 2005, "Globalization and language endangerment: poison and antidote", The HRELP Annual Public Lecture (Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project at SOAS), Londres, 11 fevrier |
Grinevald, C., 2005, "How linguists and missionaries share a bible of 6,912 languages. Interviewed by M. Erard", The New York Times, 19 July 2005 (eds) |
Grinevald, C., 2005, "Je m’appelle Colette Grinevald, I am a linguist, y trabajo con lenguas indígenas de Latino América", proc. of XI Encuentro Plurilingüístico, San Juan, Argentina, xx (eds) |
Grinevald, C., 2005, "Las lenguas amerindias de hoy, lenguas amenazadas", Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Grinevald, C., 2005, "Vers une typologie de l'expression de la localisation statique : le cas des prédicats locatifs", in Linguistique Typologique. Actes de colloque de typologie "Typo 3" de l'association CERLITYP, Lazard, G., Moyse, C. (eds), Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, pp. 33-54 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2005, "Vidas y Confesiones: Rescate y revitalización de la lengua rama" (eds), ? |
Grinevald, C., 2005, "Why the Tiger language and not Rama Cay Creole? Language revitalization made harder", ELAP Workshop. Language contact and variation in language documentation SOAS, Londres, 12 février |
Grinevald, C., 2005, "Why the Tiger language and not Rama Cay Creole? Language revitalization made harder", in Language Documentation and Description, 3, Austin, P. (eds), Londres, HRELP SOAS, pp. 196-224 (Pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2004, "Classifiers", in Morphology: a Handbook on inflection and Word Formation, Vol 2, Article 97, Booij, G., Lehmann, C., Mugdan, J., Skopeteas, S. (eds), Berlin – New York, Walter de Gruyter, pp. 1016-1031 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2004, "Fieldwork on an endangered language. The Rama Language Project", Université de Tromsø, 5 mars |
Grinevald, C., 2004, "Les langues amérindiennes : états des lieux", Etre indiens en Amérique, Paris, 2&3 décembre |
Grinevald, C., 2004, "Les langues amérindiennes risquent de disparaître, lenguas amerindias en peligro de desaparecer, Amerindian languages in danger of extinction, llengües amerindies en peril de desaparèixer", in Voix, Voces, Voices, Forum de Barcelone, . (eds), Lunwerg editores, pp. 176-177 |
Grinevald, C., 2004, "Les langues menacées", 325, Pour la science (eds), pp. 2-7 |
Grinevald, C., 2004, "Meditaciones en la sombra", Wani. Revista del Caribe nicaragüense. Managua, Nicaragua, 38, pp. 34-48 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2004, "Miss Nora, rescuer of the Rama language", Université de Tromsø, Norvège, 5 mars |
Grinevald, C., Seifart, F., 2004, "Noun classes in African and Amazonian Languages", Linguistic Typology , 8, pp. 34-48 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2003, "Diversité des prédicats de localisation statique dans les langues amériendiennes : posture, position, existence et direction", Journée d'étude sur l'Unité de la cognition humaine à l'épreuve de la diversité des langues, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, Toulouse, France, 24 janvier 2003 |
Grinevald, C., 2003, "Educación intercultural y multilingüe: el caso de los ramas", Wani, Revista del Caribe nicaragüense. Managua, Nicaragua, 34, pp. 20-38 |
Grinevald, C., 2003, "El mundo jakalteko visto a través de los clasificadores nominales", in Los espacios mayas: usos, representaciones, creencias, Breton, A., Monod-Becquelin, A. (eds), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, Centro de Estudios Mayas / CEMCA, pp. 261-285 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., Dubois, D., 2003, "En voir de toutes les couleurs : processus de dénomination des couleurs et constructions cognitives", in Langues et cognition, Vandeloise, C. (eds), Hermes Science publications, pp. 79-113 (Pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2003, "Speakers and documentation", Workshop on Endangered languages and language documentation, SOAS, Londres, Royaume-Uni, 1er mars 2003 |
Grinevald, C., 2003, "Speakers and documentation of endangered languages", in Language Documentation and description, 11, Austin, P. (eds), Londres, ELDP SOAS, pp. 52-72 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2003, "Sustainable language documentation projects", UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage , Paris, 10 mars |
Grinevald, C., 2003, "The expression of static location in a typological perspective", Colloque international Space in languages: linguistic systems and cognitive categories, Ecole Normale Supérieure d'Ulm, Paris, France, 7-8 février 2003 |
Grinevald, C., 2003, "Typologie des systèmes de classification nominale : le défi Amazonien", Faits de Langues. Meso-Amérique, Caraibes, Amazonie. Orphys, 2:21, pp. 113-154 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2002, "Classifier systems in the context of a typology of nominal classification", in Perspectives on Classifier Constructions in Sign Languages, Emmorey , K. (eds), Mahwah, New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 89-107 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2002, "Directionals do it because prepositions don't : Motion and path in Mayan languages", International conference on Adpositions of mouvment, Leuven, Belgique, 14-16 janvier 2002 |
Grinevald, C., 2002, "L'expression de l'espace dans une perspective typologique", Typologie des langues, universaux linguistiques, Institut universitaire de France, Paris, France, 18-19 novembre 2002 |
Grinevald, C., 2002, "L'expression de l'espace dans une perspective typologique : une stratégie descriptive", Colloque TYPO-3, Cerlityp, Paris, France, 19 novembre 2002 |
Grinevald, C., 2002, "Linguistique et langues mayas du Guatemala", Faits de Langues, Meso-Amerique, Caraibes, Amazonie, Orphys, 1:20, pp. 17-27 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2002, "Llengües en perill d'extinció. El cas amerindi", Cicle de conferències llengua, coneixement i creativitat Anydelesllengües, Université autonome de Barcelone, Espagne, 15 octobre 2002 |
Grinevald, C., 2002, "Making sense of nominal classification systems: noun classifiers and the grammaticalization variable", in New reflections on Grammaticalization, Diewald, G., Wischer, I. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, pp. 259-275 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2002, "Nominal classification in Movima of Bolivia", in Languages of Bolivia, Crevels, M., van de Kerke , S., Meira, S., van der Voort, H. (eds), Research School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies (ILLA) Vol 3, Leiden, The Netherlands, Research School of Asian, African, and Amerindian Studies (CNWS) Publications, Universiteit Leiden, pp. 215-259 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2002, "Typological Variety of Nominal Classification Systems", International conference on Categorization of spacial entities in language and cognition, Toulouse, France, 10-11 janvier 2002 |
Grinevald, C., 2001, "Auxiliarisation et expression de significations aspecto-temporelles en rama", Rivaldi, Paris, France (conférence invitée), 17 mai 2001 |
Grinevald, C., 2001, "Classification nominale: une typologie morphosyntaxique", CELIA & LACITO, Villejuif, France, 23 février 2001 |
Grinevald, C., 2001, "Ecriture hiéroglyphique Maya", Espace culturel international Kotopo, Lyon, France, 11 octobre 2001 |
Grinevald, C., 2001, "Encounters at the brink: Linguistic Fieldwork among Speakers of Endangered Languages", in Lectures on Endangered Languages, 2, Sakiyama, O. (eds), Kyoto, Japon, ELPR Publication series C002, pp. 285-313 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2001, "La sémantique des systèmes de classification nominale", Journée de travail sur "le fondement sémantique des classes de noms", opération: classifications nominales, CELIA Paris-Villejuif, France, 24 avril 2001 |
Grinevald, C., 2001, "Le projet Rama", Managua, Nicaragua (eds), Canal 2, 1 et 6 juin 2001 |
Grinevald, C., 2001, "Linguistics of Classifiers", in Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Smelser, N., Baltes, P. (eds), Elsevier, pp. 1973-1978 |
Grinevald, C., 2001, "Rama relational preverbs: cliticized, incorporated but no applicatives", Linguistic Society of America, San Francisco, Etats-Unis, 17 novembre 2001 |
Grinevald, C., 2001, "Relational preverbs in Rama and applicatives", Max Plank Institute, Leipzig, Allemagne, 6 mars 2001 |
Grinevald, C., Creissels, D., Seifart, F., 2001, "Towards a typological comparison of Niger-Congo and Amazonian nominal classification systems", International Symposium: Typology of African Languages, Cologne, Allemagne, 23 mai 2001 |
Grinevald, C., 2001, "Vitalité des langues amérindiennes des Etats-Unis", Espace culturel international Kotopo, Lyon, France, 29 janvier 2001 |
Grinevald, C., 2000, "A Fieldwork Squib, Hankamer Webfest", Online (eds), pp. 6 (page)
Grinevald, C., 2000, "A morpho-syntactic typology of classifiers", in System of Nominal Classification, Stenft, G. (eds), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 50-92 |
Grinevald, C., 2000, "Classifier constructions in sign language", La Jolla, Californie, Etats-Unis, 15 avril 2000 |
Grinevald, C., 2000, "Classifier systems as lexico-grammatical systems: a multidimensional approach", University of Texas, Austin, Etats-Unis, 25 avril 2000 |
Grinevald, C., 2000, "Classifiers systems as lexico-grammatical system: a multidimentional approach", Third High Desert Linguistics Conference, Université du Nouveau Mexique, Albuquerque, Etats-Unis, 9 avril 2000 |
Grinevald, C., 2000, "De l'universalité de la grammaire", 990, Science et Vie (eds) |
Grinevald, C., 2000, "El mundo jacalteco visto a través de los clasificadores nominales", Colloque international Espacio Maya, Université de Paris X-Nanterre, France, 8 décembre 2000 |
Grinevald, C., 2000, "Endangered Languages of Central America", Language Endangerment, Research and Documentation: Setting Priorities for the 21st Century, Karl Arnold Akademie, Bad Godesberg, Allemagne, 14 février 2000 |
Grinevald, C., 2000, "Fieldwork at the brink: working with speakers of endangered languages", International Conference on Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim, Kyoto, Japon, 28 novembre 2000 |
Grinevald, C., 2000, "Lexicalisation et grammaticalisation: systèmes de classification nominale", Université de Paris III, France, 12 novembre 2000 |
Grinevald, C., 2000, "Los lingüistas frente a las lenguas indígenas
", in As línguas amazônicas hoje, Queixalós, F., Renault-Lescure, L. (eds), Saõ Paolo, IRD MPEG Instituto Socioambiental, pp. 37-53 (Pdf)
Grinevald, C., 2000, "Matching speakers, linguists and projects", Symposium on Field Relationships. SSILA (Société pour l'Etude des Langues Indigènes des Amériques). Linguistic Society of America, Chicago, Etats-Unis, 7 janvier 2000 |
Grinevald, C., 2000, "Movima "classifiers": when classifiers don't classify", Université de Leiden, Hollande, 29 septembre 2000 |
Grinevald, C., Creissels, D., 2000, "Typologie des systèmes de classification nominale : le défi amazonien", 2ème Colloque de Typologie de Paris, Paris, France, 24 novembre 2000 |
Grinevald, C., 1999, "Conceptos espaciales y expresión linguística: qué nos dicen las lenguas mayas", Université de Barcelone, Espagne, 12 février 1999 |
Grinevald, C., 1999, "Lenguas amazónicas de Bolivia", LINGUAPAX-UNESCO: Las Lenguas del Mundo, Cochabamba, Bolivie, 3 mars 1999 |
Grinevald, C., 1999, "Making sense of nominal classification systems: noun classifiers and the grammaticalization variables", Conférence on New Reflections on Grammaticalization, Université de Potsdam, Allemagne, 12 mai 1999 |
Grinevald, C., Dubois, D., 1999, "Pratiques de la couleur et dénominations", La catégorisation dans les langues. Faits de langues, 14, pp. 11-26 |
Grinevald, C., 1999, "Typologie des systèmes de classification nominale", Faits de langues, 14. La catégorisation dans les langues, pp. 101-123 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 1999, "Typologie des systèmes de classification nominale", Faits de Langues, 14, pp. 101-122 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 1998, "A typology of path concepts: directionals in Mayan languages", American Anthropological Association - SSILA, Philadelphia, Etats-Unis, 4 novembre 1998 |
Grinevald, C., 1998, "Endangered languages : what can we do?", Université de Copenhagen, Danemark, 18 septembre 1998 |
Grinevald, C., 1998, "Endangered languages of Bolivia: a view from the field", Linguistic Society of America - SSILA, New-York, Etats-Unis, 9 janvier 1998 |
Grinevald, C., 1998, "Language Endangerment in South America: A Programmatic Approach", in Endangered Languages, Grenoble, L., Whaley, L. (eds), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 124-160 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 1998, "Working with speakers of endangered languages", Department of Amerindian Studies, University of Copenhagen, Danemark, 18 septembre 1998 |
Grinevald, C., 1997, "Language Contact and Language Degeneration", in The Handbook of Sociolinguistics, Coulmas, F. (eds), Oxford, United-Kingdom, Blackwell, pp. 257-270 (pdf)
Grinevald, C., 1997, "Living in Three Languages", in Essays on Language Function and Language Type: dedicated to T. Givón, Bybee, J., Haiman, J., Thompson, S. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 163-179 (pdf)
Grollemund, R., Branford, B., Hombert, J.M., Watters, J., à paraître, "Towards a new phylogenetic classification of Bantoid languages", in Towards Proto-Niger-Congo: Comparison and Reconstruction, Watters, J. (eds), Language Science Press |
Grollemund, R., Philippson, G., 2019, "A tentative new phylogenetic classification of zone A languages, based on consonant correspondences", 50th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Workshop "Languages of Cameroon", Vancouver, Canada, 22-25/05/2019 |
Grollemund, R., Branford, S., Hombert, J.M., Pagel, M., 2016, "Genetic unity of the Niger-Congo family", Towards Proto-Niger Congo: Comparison and Reconstruction (2nd International Congress), Paris, Sept 1-3 |
Grollemund, R., Branford, S., Field, S., Hombert, J.M., Pagel, M., 2015, "Towards a new phylogeny of Niger-Congo languages", World Congress of African Linguistics (WOCAL 8), Kyoto, Japan, 21-24 August 2015 |
Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Linguistic Classification and population movements in the North Western part of the Equatorial forest", Colloque ‘The impact of a major environmental crisis on species, populations and communities: the fragmentation of African forests at the end of the Holocene’, Académie des Sciences, Paris, 1-2 mars 2012 |
Grollemund, R., 2012, "Nouvelles approches en classification : Application aux langues bantu du Nord-Ouest", Thèse, Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, 550 p. (pdf)
Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Sorting out the position of Bantu languages in Bantoid", World Congress of African Linguistics 7 (Wocal 7), Buea, Cameroun, 20-24 août 2012 |
Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., 2012, "Use of Plant Names for the Classification of the Bantu Languages of Gabon", in Selected Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Connell, B., Rolle, N. (eds), Somerville, MA, Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 150-163 (pdf)
Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., 2011, "Phylogenetic Classification of North Western Bantu Languages", Bantu 4, Berlin, 7-9 April, 2011 |
Grollemund, R., 2011, "Phylogenetic classification of North Western Bantu languages", ICHLXX (20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics), Osaka, Japan, July 25-30, 2011 |
Grollemund, R., 2010, "Essai de classification des langues bantu du Gabon : lexique de base vs. lexique spécialisé", Séminaire Dynamique du Langage, Lyon, 30 avril 2010 |
Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., 2010, "Language Classification and Specialized Lexicons: A Case Study in North-West Bantu", 40th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics, CALL 40, Leiden, August 23-25, 2010 |
Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., 2010, "Use of Plant Names for the Classification of the Bantu Languages of Gabon", 41th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL 41), Toronto, 6-8 mai 2010 |
Grollemund, R., 2009, "Gepinzi, a complex verbal system (B30)", 39th Colloquium on African Languages and Linguistics (CALL 39), Leiden, Pays-Bas, 24-26 August 2009 |
Grollemund, R., 2009, "Le système verbal en apindji (B30)", 3rd International Conference On Bantu Languages (BANTU 3), Musée Royal de l’Afrique centrale, Tervuren, Belgique, 24-28 mars 2009 |
Grollemund, R., 2009, "The verbal system in Gepinzi (B30)", World Congress of African Linguistics 6 (WOCAL 6), Cologne, 17-21 août 2009 |
Grollemund, R., 2006, "Esquisse d'une étude diachronique du groupe "Okani Nord" (B30 Nord)", Rapport de Master 2, rapport de Master 2, Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, 39 p. (pdf)
Grollemund, R., 2006, "Esquisse d'une étude diachronique du groupe Okani Nord (B 30 Nord)", Rapport de Master 2, Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon , 39 p. (pdf)
Grollemund, R., 2006, "Les Okande du Gabon, locuteurs d'une langue en danger (langue bantu du groupe B 30). Langue et culture", Mémoire de Master 2, Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, 249 p. (pdf)
Grollemund, R., 2005, "Esquisse de description de l'okande - Langue bantu du groupe B 30", Mémoire de Master 1, Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, 49 p. |
groupe ICOR, M., 2008, "Tool-assisted analysis of interactional corpora: "voilà" in the CLAPI database", Journal of French Language Studies, 18/01 |
Groyecka-Bernard, A., Pisanski, K., Frackowiak, T., Kobylarek, A., Kupczyk, P., Oleszkiewicz, A., Sabiniewicz, A., Wróbel, M., Sorokowski, P., 2022, "Do voice-based judgments of speaker traits differ across speech types?", Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65, pp. 3674-3694 |
Guérois, R., Creissels, D., 2020, "The relative verb forms of Cuwabo (Bantu P34) as contextually oriented participles ", Linguistics, 58:2, pp. 463-491 (DOI)
Guérois, R., 2015, "A grammar of Cuwabo (Mozambique, Bantu P34)", Thèse de Doctorat, Sciences du Langage, Université Lyon 2, 648, 648 p. |
Guérois, R., 2014, "Inheritance and convergence within P30 languages and Sena (N44)", SOAS, London, England, November 10 |
Guérois, R., 2014, "Locative inversion in Cuwabo", proc. of Workshop on the Syntax/Prosody/Information Structure of Preverbal Domains in Bantu Languages, ZAS Berlin, Germany, November 14-15 (eds), 57, pp. 49-71, ZAS Papers in Linguistics (abstract) |
Guérois, R., 2014, "Tense and aspect in Cuwabo", proc. of Workshop on Tense and Aspect in Bantu, Institut für Afrikanistik, University of Cologne, Germany, March 31 - April 1 (eds) |
Guérois, R., 2014, "When the trees cut the man: Verb agreement in Cuwabo relative clauses (Bantu, P34)", Syntax of the World's Languages VI, Pavia, Italy, September 8-10, 2014 |
Guérois, R., 2013, "Eléments de tonologie du Cuwabo", Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, ISH, Lyon, France, 21 juin 2013 |
Guérois, R., Philippson, G., 2013, "Lexical and grammatical tone interactions in Cuwabo (P34)", 5th International Conference on Bantu Languages (Bantu 5), Paris, Juin 12-15. |
Guérois, R., 2013, "Makhuwa, Cuwabo and their closest relatives: some new evidence", Phonetics and Phonology of Sub-Saharan Languages, Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud, Juillet 7-10. |
Guérois, R., 2013, "Relative clauses in Cuwabo", Seminar für Afrikawissenschaften (Doktorandenkolloquium), Berlin, Germany, December 10, 2013 |
Guérois, R., 2013, "Vowel concatenation in Cuwabo", Phonetics and Phonology of Sub-Saharan Languages, Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud, Juillet 7-10. |
Guérois, R., 2012, "Areal and genetic factors in language classification: the case of Cuwabo (Bantu P34, Mozambique)", Graduate Conference on Areal Linguistics, Grammar and Contacts, Tartu, Estonie, 4-6 mai 2012. |
Guérois, R., 2008, ""Identidade e memória sertanejas na arte de Juraci Dórea."", proc. of XI Congresso Internacional da ABRALIC, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), 13-17 juillet 2008 (eds) |
Guérois, R., 2008, "Identidade e memória sertanejas na arte de Juraci Dórea.", proc. of XI Congresso Internacional da ABRALIC, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), 13-17 juillet 2008 (eds) |
Guillaume, A., To appear, "Takanan languages", in Amazonian Languages. An International Handbook, Epps, P., Michael, L. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton |
Guillaume, A., 2024, "“Lexical affixes” of associated motion and associated posture in Tacana and beyond", 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE57), Workshop on "Lexical affixes", University of Helsinki (Finland), 21-24 August 2024 |
Guillaume, A., 2024, "Associated motion, associated posture and imperfective aspect in Tacana (Amazonian Bolivia)
", Studies in Language, 48:4, pp. 851-908 |
Guillaume, A., 2024, "Del movimiento asociado a la postura asociada: contribuciones de las lenguas sudamericanas [From associated motion to associated posture: contributions from South American languages]", proc. of XVII Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Mexico, 13-15 November (eds) |
Guillaume, A., 2024, "From associated motion to associated posture: an introduction", proc. of Workshop: “From associated motion to associated posture in cross-linguistic perspective”, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Mexico, 19-20 November (eds) |
Guillaume, A., 2023, "Associated motion and associated posture in Tacana and other South American languages", Coloquio Internacional Amazónicas IX: Estructura de las lenguas amazónicas, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá (Colombia), 5-9 June |
Guillaume, A., 2022, "Associated Motion: a typological introduction", Online meeting of the ANR projet SALTA “Spatial Asymmetries across Languages: a Typological Approach”, invited conference, March 10 |
Guillaume, A., 2022, "Negation in Tacana (Amazonian Bolivia): Synchronic description and diachronic reconstruction", in The Negative Existential Cycle, 2, Veselinova, L., Hamari, A. (eds), Research on Comparative Grammar, Berlin, Language Science Press, pp. 519–552 (Editeur)
Guillaume, A., Koch, H. (eds), 2021, "Associated Motion", Berlin & Boston, De Gruyter Mouton, 923 p., 978-3-11-069200-6 (Editeur)
Guillaume, A., De Pasquale, N., 2021, "Associated motion in Western Sicilian: a preliminary account", Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE54), Digital conference, August 30 - September 3 (video)
Guillaume, A., Koch, H., 2021, "Introduction: associated motion as a grammatical category in linguistic typology
", in Associated Motion, Guillaume, A., Koch, H. (eds), Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT 64], De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 3-30 |
Guillaume, A., Rose, F., 2020[2006], "Questionnaire on sociative causative", Url |
Guillaume, A., 2019, "Associated motion & ‘associated posture’ in Tacana (Takanan family, Amazonian Bolivia)", 13th Conference of the Association of Linguistic Typology (ALT), University of Pavia (Italy), 4-6 September |
Guillaume, A., 2018, "From ergative case-marking to hierarchical agreement: a reconstruction of the argument-marking system of Reyesano (Takanan, Bolivia)", in Typological hierarchies in synchrony and diachrony, Cristofaro, S., Zúñiga, F. (eds), Typological Studies in Language 121, Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 217-256 |
Guillaume, A., Gildea, S. (eds), 2018, "The evolution of argument coding patterns in South American languages", Journal of Historicial Linguistics, 8:1, 167 p. p. (journal issue)
Guillaume, A., 2018, "The grammar of negation in Tacana (Takanan, Amazonian Bolivia)", Workshop: “Negation in the languages of the world”. Syntax of the World's Languages VIII. , INALCO, Paris, 3-5 September |
Guillaume, A., 2018, "The grammatical expression of emotions in Tacana and other Takanan languages", Studies in Language (Special issue on 'Morphology and emotions across the world’s languages', edited by M. Ponsonnet & M. Vuillermet), 42:1, pp. 114-145 |
Guillaume, A., Zariquiey, R., 2017, ""Roberto Zariquiey - Les langues qui disparaissent", interview de Roberto Zariquiey par Antoine Guillaume filmée et réalisée par Christophe Delory pour le Collegium de Lyon." (eds), 11 min (Accès à la vidéo)
Guillaume, A., 2017, "A preliminary investigation of directive moods in Tacana
(Takanan family, Amazonian Bolivia)", Atelier Morphosyntaxe “Imperatives and commands”, Laboratoire DDL, Lyon, 7 April |
Guillaume, A., 2017, "A preliminary investigation of the possible effects
of obsolescence on the grammatical structure of Reyesano
(Takanan family, Amazonian Bolivia)", Workshop: “Obsolescing grammars: the effects of language ecology on language structure”, Laboratoire DDL, Lyon, 16 May |
Guillaume, A., 2017, "Associated motion & associated posture in Tacana", Workshop « Espace & événements : mouvement et posture associés » (EEMPA), Paris Chicago Center, Paris, 19-20 June |
Guillaume, A., 2017, "Associated motion: Australia, South America and beyond", Workshop on "Associated Motion", held in conjunction with the 12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), Camberra, Australia, 15 December |
Guillaume, A., Valenzuela, P. (eds), 2017, "Estudios sincrónicos y diacrónicos sobre lenguas Pano y Takana: fonología, morfología y sintaxis", vol. 39:1 & vol. 39:2, Paris, Amerindia, 506 p. (journal issue)
Guillaume, A., 2017, "Sistemas complejos de movimiento asociado en las lenguas Takana y Pano: perspectivas descriptiva, tipológica e histórico-comparativa", Amerindia (Numéro thématique: Estudios sincrónicos y diacrónicos sobre lenguas Pano y Takana: fonología, morfología y sintaxis, edited by A. Guillaume & P. M. Valenzuela), 39:1, pp. 211-261 |
Guillaume, A., 2017, "Towards a reconstruction of negation patterns in simplex and complex (coverb) constructions in Tacana (Amazonian Bolivia)", Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE50), University of Zurich, Switzerland, September 10-13 |
Guillaume, A., 2016, "A preliminary investigation of epistemic particles in Tacana (Takanan family, Amazonian
Bolivia)", Atelier de Morphosyntaxe, Laboratoire DDL, Lyon, 21 October |
Guillaume, A., 2016, "Associated motion in South America: typological and areal perspectives", Linguistic Typology, 20:1, pp. 81–177 |
Guillaume, A., 2016, "Dimensions of morphological complexity in the associated motion systems of South American languages", ASLAN Complexity Meeting, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme & Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, 15-16 June |
Guillaume, A., 2016, "Estudio preliminar de la negación en tacana (familia takana, Bolivia)", Coloquio Internacional Amazonicas VI: Fonología y sintaxis, Leticia (Colombia) & Tabatinga (Brasil), 24-28 May |
Guillaume, A., 2016, "Negation in Tacana (Amazonian Bolivia): descriptive, typological and historical perspectives", Syntax of the World's Languages VII, Mexico City, Mexico, 17-19 August |
Guillaume, A., 2016, "Split ergative marking in Tacana: towards a historical reconstruction of a counter-universal pattern", Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa, February 19 |
Guillaume, A., 2015, "Cavineña", Url |
Guillaume, A., 2015, "La morphologie évaluative et expressive en tacana (Bolivie)", Workshop , Laboratoire DDL, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, 29-30 avril |
Guillaume, A., 2015, "Maintenance, loss, and renewal of ergative marking in core argument pronouns in Takanan languages (Amazonian Bolivia & Peru)", Workshop: Diachronic Morphosyntax in South American Languages (DiaSAL), Laboratoire DDL, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, May 28-30 |
Guillaume, A., 2015, "Reconstructing the history of a counter-universal pattern of split ergativity in Tacana
", Transalpine Typology Meeting (TTM4), Laboratoire DDL, Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, October 8-9 |
Guillaume, A., 2015, "Reconstructing the history of ergative marking and alignment change in core argument pronouns and NPs in Takanan languages (Amazonian Bolivia & Peru)", International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL22), Naples, Italy, July 27-31 |
Guillaume, A., 2015, "Reconstructing the morphology and syntax of core argument pronouns in Takanan languages (Amazonian Bolivia and Peru)", Atelier Morphosyntaxe, , Laboratoire DDL, Lyon, May 22 |
Guillaume, A., 2015, "Second position pronominal clitics in Takanan languages: descriptive and comparative-historical perspectives
", Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE48), Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), Leiden, September 2-5 |
Guillaume, A., 2014, "Grammatical relations and language obsolescence: deobligatorification of ergative case marking in Tacana (Tacanan, Bolivia)", Séminaire du laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Laboratoire DDL, Lyon, 7 octobre |
Guillaume, A., 2014, "The decay of ergativity in Tacana (Tacanan family, Amazonian Bolivia): a preliminary descriptive and comparative study", Syntax of the World's Languages VI, Pavia, Italy, September 8-10 |
Guillaume, A., 2014, "The Interaction of Reduplication with Word Classes and Transitivity in Cavineña", in Reduplication in Indigenous Languages of South America, Goodwin Gómez, G., van der Voort, H. (eds), Studies in the Indigenous Languages of the Americas 7, Leiden, Brill, pp. 313-342 |
Guillaume, A., 2013, "Algunas reflexiones sobre las construcciones de verbos seriales ‘contiguas e incorporantes’ y el sistema de movimiento asociado en cavineña", in Expresión de nociones espaciales en lenguas amazónicas, Ospina Bozzi, A. (eds), Bogota, Instituto Caro y Cuervo & Universidad Nacional de Colombia, pp. 17-37 |
Guillaume, A., 2013, "Les langues takana d’Amazonie bolivienne :
documentation, description, typologie, morphosyntaxe
historique et aréale
", Thèse d'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Département des Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2 |
Guillaume, A., 2013, "Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger d'Amazonie", La Clé des Langues, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, 3 novembre (video)
Guillaume, A., 2013, "Reconstructing the category of 'associated motion' in Tacanan languages (Amazonian Bolivia and Peru)", in Historical Linguistics 2011. Selected papers from the 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Osaka, 25-30 July 2011, Kikusawa, R., Reid, L. (eds), Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 326, Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 129-151 |
Guillaume, A., 2013, "Towards a typology of associated motion in South American languages and beyond", 10ème colloque de l'Association Internationale de Linguistique Typologique, Leipzig, 15-18 août |
Guillaume, A., 2012, "A tale of two passives Cavineña", in Ergativity, Valency and Voice, Authier, G., Haude, K. (eds), Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT] 48, Berlin & New York, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 111-131 |
Guillaume, A., 2012, "Cavineña", in Lenguas de Bolivia (4 vols.), Volume II, Amazonía, Crevels, M., Muysken, P. (eds), La Paz, Plural editores, pp. 115-154 |
Guillaume, A., 2012, "Complex associated motion systems of Southwestern Amazonia:
descriptive, typological and areal perspectives
", Symposium "The Language of Space in Latin American Indigenous Languages", 54th International Congress of Americanists
, Vienna, Austria, July 15-20 |
Guillaume, A., 2012, "Encoding of information structure in Cavineña narratives", Syntax of the World's Languages 5 (SWL5), Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 1-4 |
Guillaume, A., 2012, "Estudio comparativo de los sistemas de movimiento asociado
en las lenguas Takana y Pano
", Facultad de Letras y Ciencas Humanas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Lima, Peru, April 24 |
Guillaume, A., 2012, "Maropa (reyesano)", in Lenguas de Bolivia (4 vols.), Volume II, Amazonía, Crevels, M., Muysken, P. (eds), La Paz, Plural editores, pp. 191-229 |
Guillaume, A., 2012, "Sistemas complejos de movimiento asociado en las lenguas Takana y Pano: perspectiva comparativa
", Simposio: Pano-Takana: Morfosintaxis Sincrónica y Diacrónica. Coloquio Internacional Amazonicas IV: La estructura de las lenguas amazónicas: fonología y sintaxis, Lima, Peru, April, 24-28 |
Guillaume, A., Rose, F. (eds), 2011, "Argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages", 77:4, International Journal of American Linguistics, 162 p. (journal issue)
Guillaume, A., 2011, "From ergative case-marking to hierarchical agreement in Reyesano (Tacanan, Bolivia)", Workshop "Referential Hierarchies in Alignment Typology", 44th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea , Logroño, Espagne, 8-11 Septembre 2011 |
Guillaume, A., 2011, "Grammaticalization of motion and language contact:
the category of “associated motion” in southwestern Amazonian languages
", 4ème Colloque International de l'Association Française de Linguistique Cognitive (AFLiCo), Lyon, France, 24-27 mai 2011 |
Guillaume, A., Rose, F., 2011, "Introduction to argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages", International Journal of American Linguistics (Special issue on 'Argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages', edited by A. Guillaume & F. Rose), 77:4, pp. 459-468 (journal issue)
Guillaume, A., 2011, "Subordinate clauses, switch-reference and tail-head linkage in Cavineña narratives", in Subordination in Native South-American Languages, Gijn, R., Haude, K., Muysken, P. (eds), Typological Studies in Language 97, Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 109-140 (Editeur)
(pdf of proofs)
Guillaume, A., 2011, "The grammaticalization of “associated motion” in Bolivian Amazonian languages", 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Osaka, Japon, 25-30 juillet 2011 |
Guillaume, A., 2011, "Third person agreement and passive marking in Tacanan languages: a historical perspective", International Journal of American Linguistics (Special issue on 'Argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages', edited by A. Guillaume & F. Rose), 77:4, pp. 521-536 |
Guillaume, A., 2011, "What’s in a Tacana verb?", Americanist Meeting, University of Leipzig, Allemagne, 24 juin |
Guillaume, A., 2010, "Amazonian Languages (12h course)", Third 3L International Summer School on Language Documentation and Description, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), Leiden, Pays-Bas, July 5-17 |
Guillaume, A., 2010, "Documentation du reyesano de Bolivie : portraits des derniers locuteurs", in Locuteurs de langues en danger et travail de terrain sur langues en danger, Grinevald, C., Bert, M. (eds), Faits de Langues, pp. 265-286 |
Guillaume, A., 2010, "How ergative is Cavineña?", in Ergativity in Amazonia, Gildea, S., Queixalós, F. (eds), Typological Studies in Language 89, Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 97-120 (Editeur)
Guillaume, A., Vuillermet, M., 2010, "Les constructions antipassives dans les langues takana (Bolivie et Pérou)", Atelier de morphosyntaxe, DDL, Lyon, November 26 |
Guillaume, A., 2010, "Lingüística maropa (reyesano) — fonología y morfología (8h course)", Tercer curso de formación en lingüística para maestros indígenas de Tierras Bajas de Bolivia, Universidad Autónoma “Gabriel René Moreno” (UAGRM), Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, July 15 |
Guillaume, A., 2010, "Los morfemas verbales de movimiento asociado en cavineña: ¿Verbos compuestos, verbos seriales, u otros?", proc. of Simposium: Expresión de nociones espaciales. Coloquio Internacional Amazonicas III: Fonología y sintaxis, Bogota, Colombia, April, 19-24 (eds) |
Guillaume, A., Rose, F., 2010, "Sociative causative markers in South-American languages: a possible areal feature", in Essais de typologie et de linguistique générale. Mélanges offerts à Denis Creissels, Floricic, F. (eds), Lyon, ENS Editions, pp. 383-402 (pdf)
Guillaume, A., 2010, "Verbal markers of motion and/or direction in Lowland Bolivian languages : typological and areal perspectives", Workshop : Verbal markers of motion and/or direction in the Amazonian languages of the Guaporé-Mamoré region (and beyond), DDL-ISH, 10 march 2010 |
Guillaume, A., 2009, "Cavineña 'associated motion' suffixes: their meanings and discourse function", proc. of Transalpine Typology Meeting, Bern, Switzerland, January, 22-24 (eds) |
Guillaume, A., 2009, "Hierarchical agreement and split intransitivity in Reyesano", International Journal of American Linguistics, 75:1, pp. 29-48 (Editeur)
Guillaume, A., 2009, "L’ergativité dans les langues tacana d’Amazonie bolivienne :
perspective diachronique
", Séance scientifique de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, March, 28 |
Guillaume, A., 2009, "Les suffixes verbaux de mouvement associé en cavineña", Faits de Langues : Les Cahiers, 1, pp. 181-204 (pdf)
Guillaume, A., 2009, "Lingüística maropa (reyesano) — morfosintaxis (12h course)", Segundo curso de formación en lingüística para maestros indígenas de Tierras Bajas de Bolivia, Universidad Autónoma “Gabriel René Moreno” (UAGRM), Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, July 9-10 |
Guillaume, A., 2009, "Pervasive reduplication processes in Cavineña (Tacanan, Amazonian Bolivia)", 51st International Congress of Americanists. Symposium: Reduplication in the Amazonian languages, Centro Histórico, Mexico City, Mexico, July 19-24, 2009 |
Guillaume, A., 2009, "Trabajo de campo para la documentación lingüística de los idiomas tacanas", Mesa redonda: Lenguas de Bolivia: implicaciones para nuestro conocimiento lingüístico en el contexto andino y amazónico, Seminario: Lingüística, Oralidad y Educación Intercultural Bilingüe, Reunión Anual de Etnología (RAE), Museo Nacional de Etnología, La Paz, Bolivia, 18-21 août |
Guillaume, A., 2009, "Travail de terrain pour la documentation linguistique des langues des basses terres de Bolivie", Journée de lancement du projet transversal
“langues en danger : terrain, documentation, revitalisation (LED-TDR)", Institut des Sciences de l'Homme, Lyon, 25 novembre (Vidéo)
Guillaume, A., 2008, "A Grammar of Cavineña", Berlin & New York, Mouton de Gruyter, xxxiv, 900 p., Mouton Grammar Library [MGL 44], 9783110188424 (Editeur, version EEG online)
Guillaume, A., 2008, "Diccionario reyesano (maropa)-castellano, con apuntes gramaticales" (eds), Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage (CNRS & Université Lyon 2), pp. 92 |
Guillaume, A., 2008, "Ditransitivité en cavineña : constructions à objet double", Amerindia, 31, pp. 135-156 (pdf)
Guillaume, A., 2008, "Le marquage des personnes en reyesano : exemple de langue à indexation hiérarchique", Séminaire de Typologie, Université Aix-en-Provence, October, 20 |
Guillaume, A., Van der Veen, L., 2008, "Rapport d’activité pour l’Université d’été internationale 3L sur la documentation et la description des langues tenue à Lyon, du 24 juin au 3 juillet 2008" (eds), DDL, pp. 6 |
Guillaume, A., 2008, "The development of split intransitivity in Tacanan languages", Conférence annuelle de la Linguistic Society of America (LSA), session de la Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), Chicago, 3-6 janvier |
Guillaume, A., 2008, "Third person agreement and passive marking in Tacanan languages: a historical perspective", 3ème congrès "Syntax of the World's Languages", Berlin, 25-28 septembre |
Guillaume, A., Rose, F., 2007, "A typology of sociative causative: between causatives and applicatives", 7ème colloque de l'Association Internationale de Linguistique Typologique, Paris, 25-27 septembre |
Guillaume, A., Manus, S., Van der Veen, L., 2007, "Les Langues en Danger", une émission télévisée Cap Sup, Cap Canal, présentée par Claude Costechareyre, réalisée par Vivian Gateau et produite par Philippe Meirieu", France (eds), Cap Canal, Ville de Lyon, 1h, |
Guillaume, A., 2007, "The last speakers of Reyesano", Department of Linguistics Seminar, SOAS, University of London, May, 8 |
Guillaume, A., 2006, "Documentation de deux langues Amazoniennes de Bolivie : le cavineña et le reyesano", entretien filmé (2h23) conduit par E. de Pablo (FMSH-ESCoM), en ligne sur le site des Archives Audiovisuelles de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales |
Guillaume, A., 2006, "Hierarchical systems with inverse effect: the case of Reyesano", 2ème congrès « Syntax of the World's Languages », Lancaster (Royaume-Uni), 14-17 Septembre |
Guillaume, A., 2006, "La catégorie du 'mouvement associé' en cavineña : apport à une typologie de l'encodage du mouvement et de la trajectoire", Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 101:1, pp. 415-436 (pdf)
Guillaume, A., 2006, "Linguistique de documentation du cavineña et du reyesano, entretien filmé conduit par E. de Pablo (FMSH-ESCoM), Archives Audiovisuelles de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales" (eds), 2h23 (Accès aux vidéos)
Guillaume, A., 2006, "More on the typology of inverse systems: the reyesano suffix -ta", Conférence annuelle de la Linguistic Society of America (LSA), session de la Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), Albuquerque (États-Unis), 5-8 Janvier 2006 |
Guillaume, A., 2006, "Revisiting 'split ergativity' in Cavineña", International Journal of American Linguistics, 72:2, pp. 159-192 (pdf)
Guillaume, A., 2005, "Documentation of Reyesano", Url (Handle)
Guillaume, A., 2004, "‘Split ergativity’ in Cavineña revisited", 1er congrès « Syntax of the World's Languages », Leipzig (Allemagne), 5-8 août 2004 |
Guillaume, A., 2004, "A Grammar of Cavineña, an Amazonian Language of Northern Bolivia", Thèse de Doctorat (Ph.D.), Research Centre for Linguistic Typology, La Trobe University, Melbourne (Australie) |
Guillaume, A., 2004, "Revisiting ‘split ergativity’ in Cavineña", 3ème rencontre du Programme International de Coopération Scientifique (PICS) sur ‘L’ergativité en Amazonie’, Villejuif, France, Décembre 2004 |
Guillaume, A., 2003, "Bound nouns in Cavineña", 51st International Congress of Americanists, Santiago, Chili, 14-18 juillet 2003 |
Guillaume, A., 2001, "Auxiliary verbs in Cavineña: what do they do?", Post-Graduate Conference of Melbourne University, Melbourne (Australie), 21-22 septembre 2001. |
Guillaume, A., 2001, "The auxiliary construction in Cavineña.", Conférence annuelle de la Australian Linguistic Society (ALS), Camberra (Australie), 27-30 septembre 2001 |
Guillaume, A., 2000, "Affixes of motion and direction in Cavineña", Conférence annuelle de la Linguistic Society of America (LSA), session de la Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), Chicago (États-Unis), 7-8 janvier 2000 |
Guillaume, A., 2000, "Directionals versus associated motions in Cavineña", proc. of LACUS Forum XXVI: The lexicon, Edmonton (Alberta, Canada), August, 3-7, Melby, A., Lommel, A. (eds), pp. 395-401 (pdf)
Guillaume, A., 2000, "Directionals, motion-with-purpose and associated motion in Cavineña", Seminar of Amerindian Linguistics, University of Leiden, Netherlands, February, 8 |
Guillaume, A., 2000, "Le Cavineña : Éléments de Morpho-syntaxe", Mémoire de DEA, Département des Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2 |
Guillaume, A., 2000, "Participial and Switch-Reference in Cavineña", . Post-Graduate Conference of Melbourne University, Melbourne (Australie), 7 octobre 2000. |
Guillaume, A., 1999, "Directionals versus associated motions in Cavineña", . 26th LACUS forum (Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States), Edmonton (Canada), 3-7 août |
Guillaume, A., 1998, "An instrumental study of the alveolar flap in Cavineña.", Conférence annuelle de la Linguistic Society of America (LSA), session de la Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), New York (États-Unis), Janvier 1998. |
Guillaume, A., 1996, "Propuesta de alfabeto y ficha técnica del pueblo Cavineño" (eds), Subsecretaría de Asuntos Étnicos. La Paz: Central Indígena Del Oriente Boliviano y UNICEF., pp. 17 |
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Guiraud, H., Ferragne, E., Bedoin, N., Krifi-Papoz, S., Herbillon, V., Bascoul, A., Gonzalez-Monge, S., Boulenger, V., 2014, "Perception de la parole rapide chez les enfants présentant une dysphasie expressive", actes de 30èmes Journées d'Études sur la Parole, Le Mans, France, 23-27 juin 2014 (eds), pp. 248-256 (pdf)
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